I Built a PILLAGER CASTLE in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Survival Let's play

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fWhip built a PILLAGER CASTLE in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 survival let’s play!! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY! Subscribe! 🙂

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31 thoughts on “I Built a PILLAGER CASTLE in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Survival Let's play”

  1. Wow what an amazing castle! And such a challenge of course with all the Pillagers doing target practice on you. The build style almost reminds me of the Grimlands from Empires S1. Which kinda makes me think that the area surrounding the castle should be a bit more trampled and dead. Maybe add some broken carts and barricades. And the farmhouse could be ruined, I think.

  2. Fwhip, we're the same age, and I'm also married with a full time job. Being an adult is hard and tiring. Watching your videos always brings me a few minutes of joy every few weeks.

    Thanks for all your hard work and effort to entertain us. I've loved seeing you grow. You're talented as a builder, and you're a funny and cool guy. I appreciate you ❤️

  3. This video has reminded me of how much I would love to have a faction system in Minecraft where you have the choice to side with the villagers or the pillagers.

    Siding with the villagers would just be normal Minecraft, but if you side with the pillagers, whenever you enter a village, you start a raid but you're a part of the raid. Also pillagers and related mobs won't become hostile (letting you be able to ride ravagers) and you'd be able to trade with them.

  4. Fwhip, you are the absolute god at minecraft hardcore, not only surviving for 2 years but creating the most amazing world ive ever seen. You are my intense inspiration. Thanks for taking this career path and entertaining all of us. Peace out god.

  5. I'm really curious about your editing process as you do these bug builds. Do you actually complete them all at once? I know it's nit all in one sitting, but do you just sit back down and keep trucking on the project til it's done? I build much smaller things and still have trouble not getting distracted halfway through. I guess, I'm curious if you edit in actual gameplay order or if there's gaps in the time lapse that we dont see? I love your work. You're the main reason I began playing for the first time as an adult. My daughter started watching Empires and I got hooked. Thanks for all you do and all thw good advice you give. You're such a pragmatic person it's truly enjoyable to keep up with this long-term. Thank you!


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