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fWhip Built a CUSTOM BIOME in hardcore Minecraft 1.19 survival let’s play! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY! This took an entire month to build, what do you think?!
fWhip Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/fWhipTwo
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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival
Thanks for checking out today's episode! I really hope you enjoy the project as much as I have! This was such a cool thing to create 🙂
Everytime I go to like the video while watching, I realize I already liked it at the start, lol !
I'm not a fan of "dad jokes" however… I did recommend your channel to someone who absolutely loves them, and I accept them from you because you make them fun. It's not just "hey, here's a dad joke" lol.
Favorite block: smooth sandstone
I just thinked abt how to build birch trees and u said that in perfcect time
My favorite minecraft block? Hmm… That's a tuff one… Get it. 😛 Couldn't resist.
I’ve been subscribed for a couple of years! My favourite block is the moss block :))
I pretty much just woke up and I've had a pretty annoying cold the entire week so seeng that you uploaded a video made me cheer up as I usually can't watch the stream due to them being live when it's late where I live. Thank you for the amazing content you make for us
I giggled at the bark joke
My fav block is mud bricks, and my friend’s is fully oxidised copper lol
I know that I am late and my comment will be pushed to the bottom but maybe with that village you want to make over so close to the forest. (I think, hard to grasp scale) you could make since with the forest ending but making the village a logging town. Like maybe they have some rich barren with a distaste for birch trees. But he dose like money and loves chopping them down and exporting them for money.
Fell free to expand or improve this train of thought anyone. 😅
Continue one block series…
Hey Clay block is good for texturing stone
This was absolutely great to watch tysm! I had to watch this at school because I had no time to do it at a different time 🙁 I cant say I don’t regret watching it at school, but I definitely don’t regret just watching it! Well done dude!!
loved watching the Stream❤ But seeing the video is still Amazing
My favorite Block is calcite its a nice white Block you can mix it with diorite and white concrete powder
Can you make a honey field or honey farm with beehives? Like a field plot with them, they don’t necessarily have to have bees in them
My favourite block is stripped dark oak logs
Jungle wood,spruce wood,dark oak wood,bone Block,deepslate and its variations,amethyst
This is such an incredible project! I love getting inspired by your builds, and living vicariously through them, as I'll never have enough time to try them myself
Me: purpur block