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In today’s episode of Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 we’re going to be doing our biggest project in this series!!! I’m going to show you How to Build a Minecraft Castle in Hardcore Minecraft Survival!!! This castle will be the centerpiece of our Minecraft Island Spawn transformation, and is going to be AWESOME!!!
► World Seed: 4011018418126852365
► Shaders: Complementary Shaders
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Music Provided by Epidemic Sound
#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival
THE CASTLE IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!! Let me know what you think!?! 😀
Yayyyyyyyyy sausage
This may be my favorite castle you have ever built Sausage. 👏 BRAVO good sir! 👏 Dang. ❤
Castle name: Castle Perilous
Sausage the castle looks great!! You should totally make that bottom space into an armory, specifically like in the Dragon Age: Inquisition keep "Skyhold!" It's got such a cool vibe, and I think it would look perfect in that spot! If you were to do a dungeon or a prison, I'd suggest digging below the castle and putting it in the cavern below it 👀👍
Also! You should totally see about building a telescope room with a giant telescope looking out into space! I've never seen a minecraft telescope before, but I bet it would look great with some copper accents!
I have always dreamed of building castle like this
Your so good at building
Perhaps Bubbles needs a royal bedroom in the castle.
Add garden and walk way in the main entrance
A place for rosie
Pretty small and if you know the reason why you know the hint is empires season 1
How about naming the castle “El castillo de las flores de cerezo caídas” for all the cherry blossoms we have lost in todays video lol.
I think you should build a barracks for iron golems so they could protect the island
Another great video! I love the castle build it is so cool. It is fit for our Queen Bubbles as she rules over the island with beauty and grace. It would be to see a few big cherry trees around or in the castle courtyard with the petals dotted underneath and with the falling sakura leaves would jsut add to the vibes.
I have a name for the castle: castillo de flores de cerezo (castle of cherry blossoms)
The castle gets 10/10 sausages and the tree 11/10 sausages (That tree is so cute, i love it! 😍)
archery range in one of the courtyards
Name the castle "Grandanoire"
I always love a good castle build 💝 La castle Rose .. no matter what you name it , she's beautiful 🥰
The castle should be called The Rose Dragon Palace
Put a dragon nest underground like
A cave under the castle. I know its too much but dragon nest underground is so cool
love from india sausage❤
You should add rooms that represent all your old series. (Empires season 1 and 2, after life, new life, etc.)
Name it El Castillo de los Imperios (The Castle of the Empires).
If you have seen attack on titan, i can relate your island with island in this anime called "Paradis"
So "Fort of Paradis" will be good name for this amazing castle..😊
Having an armory right next to the blacksmith would make a lot of sense!
It would also be really cool to have a small training area for any knights. There might be peace right now, but they've experienced war before, and would surely not want to be caught completely off-guard!
Maybe some sleeping quarters for both the king and any servants/knights, a really REALLY fancy bathroom (was thinking similar in design to Roman bath houses?), of course a trophy room as well as a throne room, classic castle stuff 😀
Hmmmmmm I like ‘Cherry Castle’! Short and sweet. Or in Spanish ‘Castillo de Cereza’! 🍒
Epic episode! Absolutely love the castle! Looking super cool! Maybe it can be called Mythical Castle. Can’t wait to see what the interior will look like! Maybe one of the courtyard areas could be a big custom tree. Keep up the amazing work! Have a fantastic week! See you next time!
Epic episode! Absolutely love the castle! Looking super cool! Maybe it can be called Mythical Castle. Can’t wait to see what the interior will look like! Maybe one of the courtyard areas could be a big custom tree. Keep up the amazing work! Have a fantastic week! See you next time!
i use your seed and i have also a survivalworld
The great Sausage castle 🏰
use the empiers texturpak for bubbels
(Vermilion Palace) as you used a good amount of crimson color for rofing❤
No machicolations in the gateway in case of a Pillager raid? 😉 It's certainly roomy enough to contain some fun booby-traps! And of course, Lady Bubbles' throne should go on the right side of the throne, as is her rightful and proper place as the Right Hand (Paw🐾😁) of His Majesty. I'm thinking red velvet cushions with gold backing~?
for the castle, Royal bloom castle. what do ya think? i hope you like it!!! by the way, if you pick this name, you can just call me joshua. you know, my last name is harder cuz im from the netherlands. but, either way, i hope you like my suggestion.
I think a cool name for the castle could be "El Castillo del Rosaleda" I love your videos by the way! 10/10 sausages for all your builds! I love the build style you are using! 😀
Your videos are so insane, thank you so much! They are beautiful to watch.
9:36 11/10 sausages
Place a big knight statue in the big town off the main hall
In the castle you should add a study/office thing it would look so cool