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Today I built a giant jungle mansion in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore! This build required me to chop down hundreds of jungle trees, as well as use a ton of green terracotta! After this build was all done, my pet parrot moved in and ruined everything. Oh and I mined in a straight line for 1 hour! Fun!
Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc
Seed: 564902244069520138
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FarzyMC
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Vlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NickFarzy
Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY9l-w7ePGbLWkXXzJki1DA
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/farzymc
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@farzymc
My Merch: https://farzy-merch.creator-spring.com
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/farzy
Become A Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtz3s3FUxVxBgPl2OWtIJQ/join
#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay
Thanks for watching! I also dropped some new merch! Check it out: https://farzy-merch.creator-spring.com
Noooooooooooo! Charlton
That is my favorite build yet
Farzy you're awesome man one awesome build after another you're truly awesome you are my inspiration I'll become a YouTuber because of you I promise you're the best
When you get 1 million subs can you biuld an actual ALIEN 👽
I love your videos plz make more
You should create a map for everything
You should make videos every 2days
The ideas are very good, but could you tell me more about the construction. But it's still a lot of effort to do it.
And Farzy do 58 in Tuesday please 🥹❤
you should make a village for the mushroom mansion.
This video you just one of the rarest mobs in Minecraft
Farzy you should do a amuthest frame
🎉 please keep making your awesome videos! Me and Marilyn love your Chanel!
From now on don’t use a virus use a lighter as that’s better cause you won’t let out did you put it on you dummy
I love all of your videos and I even saw all the videos of your old Minecraft world and I saw all the videos
Please please please please build underwater. I made a fish tank once, but it was in creative. I’m lazy.😅 but you’re not. I saw your rap is the best I love my creations no responding something something. but please try please !!!
Hey farzy can you make ep #57
Only 60k more subs I’m sooo excited😊🎉😮❤
Farzy make a cake farm
I mean i'm a kid and my mom sometimes give's me a 🔪 (knife)
Hey farzy can u pls make a new vid pls
Dear farzy:never give up keep up the good work do well I also heard if you say your favorite hardcore YouTuber 5 times you prob get pinned
Farzy don’t u think that u need an auto sorter,that would be cool and also u won’t have to do your sorting chores
You should do a sand temple but make it way way way better than the usual one and the one you should make like a people like bowing to it
Can you make a nether hevan pls and ty
I love your videos they are the best i would love if you make more and more videos because you post a video tooooooooooooooooooooo late
OMG farzy i am such a Fan you inspire me for so many bulids i once built a Broderick statue
When will you make it next vid
Farzy make a autosorter
how did you make the farzy totem? Also plz recommend my channel. Viper Stevens. Keep up the good work!
What is your favrite bild
Collect every mob in minecraft if u a goat player BETTER THAN DREAM
why did you take away the video on YouTube kids I'm sad
that's oaky
5:40 y does he look so tramuatized?????
i have a chalenge maybe you could do a challenge where you mlg from hight limit dow to bedrock!!!
Please please please please please please make some sort of axolotl city or maybe a cat city. I'm just picturing a giant ocelot head on the front of a temple-like building. Also, I love your videos and how dedicated you are to your channel and making all these crazy awesome things! 🙂
Hi Farzy you know how you always say stay in school well maybe you should build a school in your hardcore world also I love your videos!
17 of September is my moms birthday 😃