I Built a Gunpowder FACTORY in Minecraft Survival : EmpiresSMP

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Empires SMP !! fWhip built a Gunpowder FACTORY in Minecraft 1.19 survival! Click the LIKE Button if you enjoy!

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38 thoughts on “I Built a Gunpowder FACTORY in Minecraft Survival : EmpiresSMP”

  1. hey heres a sugestion: You should remake the whole ceiling of the cavern, make it into a dark stone or even the glass trick, of making layers to create a fog, like dark blue, and also use redstone to make it into a flickering starry sky of junky lamps made by the goblins.
    Just a cool idea id like to share, maybe help with some ideas. Good video man!

  2. I really love what you're doing with gobland. All the life and movement makes the builds so interesting. And it's fun to see the sort of steampunky/industrial builds that you started trying out in the amplified world make a comeback since that world became unplayable.

  3. Why have gunpowder when we can’t have guns in the game? I’d love if they add a flintlock rifle to the game, or even a gun that kinda matches the sword and shield era. A pre flintlock rifle.

  4. If men didn't pack unbelievably fast I'd be surprised he was cutting it close to leaving time. Have a good trip fwhip! Also, I love the build! I love the terraforming and all the little bits and bobs you do. I have the problem with just building a build, making a path and just bonemealing the ground hoping it looks good but it doesn't. I can tell the quality of building and the experience you have is just leagues ahead of mine. I love all the colours and different blocks you use. That river was perfect. Amazing job. I'm sure Lizzie won't mind the extra gas emissions in her empire

  5. I have the grim but amused feeling that most likely these factories are going to get blown up by a certain 'evil' sheriff… and then Tumble Town is going to get wiped off the face of the map when the two most chaotic members of the server come looking for payback… gets the popcorn

  6. Even though there is buildings and stuff that do absolutely nothing. They are still very cool and creative fWhip! The mine cart trail way you made to get inside gobland easier is cool and helpful! 😁


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