I Built a DONUT FACTORY in Minecraft Create

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I Built a DONUT FACTORY in Minecraft Create

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44 thoughts on “I Built a DONUT FACTORY in Minecraft Create”

  1. Instead of burning the seeds couldn't you use a composter to turn them into bone meal and then you can the bone meal to speed up the farm, or just store it for an infinite amount of bone meal. 5:35

  2. Hi buffle I don't know if you're going to read this but anyways if you remove one of the controls in your train and let it run in a loop it will work and please upload more create😊

  3. Biffle, i know how to fix the delivery bus, when you first set up the bus, there is an arrow that shows you which direction is the primary direction, you just need to turn the arrow around, it should be near the train station block


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