I Built a DIAMOND FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore August 25, 2023 by aCookieGod Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg Building a Diamond Factory in Hardcore Minecraft • watch from EPISODE #1: … source
Hey cookie u may not remember me (100% not im just random fan)u inspire me so much i love your videos keep doing these funny and intersiting videos ! ❤ Reply
cant have a cookiegod build without it being expensive roblox studio or minecraft java or bedrock Reply
Cookie. Can you make some merch . Cuz you are almost at 5millon subs and I am also a subscriber Reply
Cooooookieee3 why haven't u posted what happened are u in a problem or something tell us plzz if u need help with anything 👍👍 Reply
i have a secret channel coming out soon… i am so excited for it ;D
I love you! ;D
Hi 👋 cookie god
of course it's factory
Stolen from another youtuber
18:53 It doesn’t have to necessarily ‘dispense’ diamonds 💎 just need a few to twirl around 😏👈
@cookie you leave again?
Now make infinite sniffers
Thank you Cookie for being such a huge stepping stone for me starting my own channel ❤
Hey @aCookieGod pls give world download or world seed
11:03 Your name should be Dr. CookieWizard LOL
Hey cookie u may not remember me (100% not im just random fan)u inspire me so much i love your videos keep doing these funny and intersiting videos ! ❤
billd a manchen❤
Make survival hardcore underground
cant have a cookiegod build without it being expensive roblox studio or minecraft java or bedrock
Cookie. Can you make some merch . Cuz you are almost at 5millon subs and I am also a subscriber
When is the king gonna post again!!!!
It’s been 11 days make a video please
Omg how’d I miss this!? Yay content!
Don’t you have the start of carpal tunnel? I hope you’re taking the breaks you need! ❤
Lol my guy. Fire res/ never dig under your feet especially in the nether. 😂😂
PUT THE DIAMONDS ON ITEM FRAMES SOMEHOW. I’d hate to see you lose that many 😂
Please make a better Minecraft hardcore series
Cookie cammen say you are add mincraft
Cooooookieee3 why haven't u posted what happened are u in a problem or something tell us plzz if u need help with anything 👍👍
Where are you??
i love your video❤❤
Hey cookie what is better in Minecraft iron gold diamond or netherite including how rare it is
meika var
I realy REALY want to see his totems popped stats
How he every vid forgets to light up. Lol
where is cookie god? he doesnt make videos anythin like that
3:56 very very very fuuuuuuny
Your a pro at mine Kraft im not 🙁🙁