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I Built an ANIMAL BARN in Minecraft Hardcore! In this episode, I built a beautiful Minecraft Barn for my animals and a new Sheep Farm in Hardcore Minecraft! 📺 100 Days in a COOKIE WORLD: https://youtu.be/KYzaDct1vqM
🔥 Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcXjLUMrnv0&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTCIGr9Q4XofgKnIxX_vRbP
If you enjoyed this video, you’ll also enjoy these insane videos:
📺 I Built a GIANT FLOATING AIRSHIP in Minecraft Hardcore (#19): https://youtu.be/rJfWQOqLe0w
📺 UNLIMITED IRON in Minecraft Hardcore (#18): https://youtu.be/B7Ds5_ePy6E
》Series Inspiration @WadZee
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》Series Inspiration @WadZee
Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️
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Speaking about cookies… I Survived 100 Days in a COOKIE ONLY WORLD in Hardcore Minecraft: https://youtu.be/KYzaDct1vqM
Hey cookie get some netherite so u dont die in ur beautiful hardcore world and can you add me to the wall of leaves i realy liked ur videos
You can extinguish campfire using a shovel and right click on it
30 days for the iron golem
My name is clayvin
Baby is jell Hu baby 11 day 😡😡😡 you Not kill you DOG DOG DOG And cat cat cat ✌✌✌
sir….next episode pls fill some hay inside the barn
you can stop campfire by one tap of shovel
you should build a tree Farm from wood you use alot so a tree farm for spruce wood and oak wood you can gather resources without going 2569 blocks)(also R.I.P the screaming goat and the pig from the village I still remember to this day his screams of agony his blood going everywhere his breath going slower and him calling out for cookie and the pig and you didn't give him a proper grave….you should build a grave for him in the goat place so when they look up they hear and feel the pain he felt hear the screaming so they will always be haunted with an unwanted memory)(…now that I read what I said that's f up
For three months for killing Three dogs and I love your videos they are so hilarious
You don’t need ay water bucket to put out the fire in the camp fire just right click it with ay Shovel
rip 3 dogs
You can right-click on a campfire with a shovel to extinguish it
The Sheep Farm
Before : So much Grass to eat
after decorating : …..
Yo another asome cookie video your bilding skills are asome pls put me in the wall of leaves and hey cookie you just need to right click the campfire with a showel then it atomaticly get extinguished
The saddest part is when you see that the video is almost over…
You have to cageing the iron golem like a 3000 thousands years
They should be sentenced for as whole lifetime
Hey cookie you should be use shovel for campfire
I like yoyr channel
I love cokkie
That was 1 month jail
wHy DiD yOu ThRoW that TRIDENT?!?! THose are VERy RARE! >:(
dude pls make yourself a giant beautiful and detailed house because you spent lots of time and effort for animals house so you should live in a giant castle or something beautiful
use a shhovel to put out campfire!
Kill both of them
cant wait to see the lake house 😀
Give THE iron golems death
1000 years
Cookie your such a good builder ! 🙂
100 days
i want to see cookiegod make a cookie museum
Can I pls be on the wall, I love your videos and I watch all your 100 days vids, and I watched this series since ep 1 your the best youtuber ever, and your so funny and make my day 🙂 I also liked and I've been subbed for a long time
Keeps them in for 69years 69months 69 days 69hours
BTW I watch all your videos when ever I feel sad I watch you
hey cookie, masons will give u bricks if u trade with them
Like the Jokes man, keep it up😂😂👍
1000000000000000000000000000000 years
The Barn lookes better than the ones in Texas
1000000000Tillion year of prison
They need to be in the jail for 200 days