I Built a Beautiful ANIMAL BARN in Minecraft Hardcore! (#20)

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I Built an ANIMAL BARN in Minecraft Hardcore! In this episode, I built a beautiful Minecraft Barn for my animals and a new Sheep Farm in Hardcore Minecraft! 📺 100 Days in a COOKIE WORLD: https://youtu.be/KYzaDct1vqM

🔥 Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcXjLUMrnv0&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTCIGr9Q4XofgKnIxX_vRbP

If you enjoyed this video, you’ll also enjoy these insane videos:

📺 I Built a GIANT FLOATING AIRSHIP in Minecraft Hardcore (#19): https://youtu.be/rJfWQOqLe0w

📺 UNLIMITED IRON in Minecraft Hardcore (#18): https://youtu.be/B7Ds5_ePy6E

》Series Inspiration @WadZee


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》Series Inspiration @WadZee

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️

#minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #minecraftseries


44 thoughts on “I Built a Beautiful ANIMAL BARN in Minecraft Hardcore! (#20)”

  1. you should build a tree Farm from wood you use alot so a tree farm for spruce wood and oak wood you can gather resources without going 2569 blocks)(also R.I.P the screaming goat and the pig from the village I still remember to this day his screams of agony his blood going everywhere his breath going slower and him calling out for cookie and the pig and you didn't give him a proper grave….you should build a grave for him in the goat place so when they look up they hear and feel the pain he felt hear the screaming so they will always be haunted with an unwanted memory)(…now that I read what I said that's f up

  2. Yo another asome cookie video your bilding skills are asome pls put me in the wall of leaves and hey cookie you just need to right click the campfire with a showel then it atomaticly get extinguished

  3. Can I pls be on the wall, I love your videos and I watch all your 100 days vids, and I watched this series since ep 1 your the best youtuber ever, and your so funny and make my day 🙂 I also liked and I've been subbed for a long time


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