I Broke 21,722 Bedrock to Make This in Minecraft Hardcore

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I Transformed The Nether in Hardcore Minecraft
I broke over 10,000 bedrock to make this as well.

Bedrock Breaker Credit (keep in mind this only breaks the top layer of bedrock, I had to break the lower layers myself before turning on the machine): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmqI3kbPg4k

– Watch this series from the beginning: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNE47lrStB8MjLM8kzxrU6KyOg8S9HSbE
-Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Joebeppo
-Merch: https://beppo.store
-Twitter: @TheBeppoJoe

Business inquiries:
-Discord: Beppo# 0704
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This series is inspired by Wadzee and Luke TheNoteable and Sandiction Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. yes I did steal this paragraph from Sandiction, he’s too good. I make massive projects and spend tens of hours on each video similar to Jahita or most others.. This is minecraft hardcore, but its short, fast paced, and has insane mega builds and bases.

Shader – SEUS Renewed (for overworld) and Complimentary (for nether and end)



20 thoughts on “I Broke 21,722 Bedrock to Make This in Minecraft Hardcore”

  1. Heavily inspired by Sandiction
    Watch Entire Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNE47lrStB8MjLM8kzxrU6KyOg8S9HSbE

    People had some confusion about the bedrock breaking machine so hopefully this clears it up:
    I did not invent it. I have a link to the video on it that I found in the description if you want to make it in your own world but there is no tutorial, just a world download of the machine so that you can rebuild.
    I previously broke the bedrock under the top layer before starting the machine but chose not to show it as otherwise too much time was spent showing the machines and not getting on with the video. I actually spent a lot of time trying to decide whether it would be better to show it or not but the only reason I had to show it was to prove that I actually broke it and the reasons to not were better video pacing, more entertaining, not too much time spent focused on one thing, which all point back to video quality which I care about the most.
    A few people thought it was fake before reading this. I would never fake a video. The whole point of a video is that its fun for me to make and faking it would be no fun at all.
    Hope this helps! 🙂


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