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I beat Minecraft in 14 minutes – reupload since last one was over a minute oops sorry
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#shorts #minecraft #speedrun
this run was streamed live here on youtube, yes it was actually a 14, no I'm not a cheater here's a link to the run – https://youtu.be/ygdJPHw65pE?t=11006
if you have any other questions pop into my stream, I stream speedruns most nights at 8pm EST
Sorry the record is under 14 mi ute
Bruh, this is one of the fakest speedruns i have sawn. U have 1 in 1000000000000000000000 chance of spawning in fortress. This is scripted
Are you dream
Are these real
Dream be like
15 minutes
ok i beat 6 people alone in pvp once
I have a feeling that you are gonna beat the wr ,
I believe in you ,
I like ur Teamseas cape
✨ These shorts are so entertaining ✨
Its not 14 Its 15 Because 30 seconds Is Half!!!
Remember when this used to be good?
How do you find the fortress so easily? I never find bastions or fortresses 🙁
I beat Minecraft in 9 min
1 minute to get blaze rod and buid the portal. He is cheating
No one gonna talk about the loop
I disagree to this, dream beat Minecraft in 1 minute which is IMPOSSIBLE so this seems like cap (btw this is My opinion don't harass me just because of this)
Cool but too lucky…
Nice Job!
We ignoring the fact that in 0:21 it showed xray and tracers?
U r good but if u don’t X-ray it will be better
Thats pog
If you look at the bar, it changes and this is phisacly and mentally impossible
You didn't even kill endermen
Hes so good dream only speedrun in 22 minutes
U have x-ray i
How to beat mincraft in 2 secs
Damn bro
Cool but that might be because you were pausing the game multiple times stoping the in game timer
u r not spawned in random seed ik this seed