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We have drained the Atlantic Ocean, and we’re establishing a new nation
~Watch my Minecraft series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15dgl4OAOrA&list=PLliBvQE3gg9dmAOMCgMO839iJMbh8V3Ny
~Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/rtgamecrowd
~Merch Shop: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/rtgame
~Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTGameCrowd
~Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtgamecrowd
~Discord: https://discord.gg/rtgame
~~~~~~Server Information~~~~~
To join my Minecraft server, head to my Twitch channel and type !server for the login information. You must be subscribed on Twitch to join, and have a Discord account. This is so we can moderate and manage the server due to demand. The server is open 24/7 and has a survival world, as well as a museum of every past build we’ve done on the channel.
New Earth Build Rules:
-No obnoxious floating text. No obnoxiously tall buildings.
-Respect the coastline and borders. Islands, continents and countries should retain their shape.
-Build the best you can. Low effort and unfinished constructions will be removed.
-Your building cannot just be a flag.
-No contemporary politics.
-No depictions of war, recent mass tragedy, racism or discrimination or hate symbols of any kind.
-Railways must be at ground level. Railways in the air are considered low effort and too tall. We recommend an underground metro instead.
-No pixel art. We find that this obscures other builds, and we plan to provide a space later.
~~~~~~~~Extra Things~~~~~~~~
Everything you see in my videos is edited livestream highlights taken from my Twitch channel. My schedule is Tuesday & Thursday @ 7pm, Saturday & Sunday @ 3pm – all times based in Ireland.
Video edited by Ashtaric! Go support her here: https://twitter.com/xashtaricx
And here: https://www.twitch.tv/ashtaric
Special thanks to Nitrous Networks for hosting our Minecraft server. See their site for quality server hosting across a variety of games: https://nitrous-networks.com/
Music is Cities Skylines – Pitchfork Blue, Down Stream; Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire – Surf Theme; Legend of Zelda Wind Waker – The Great Sea.
This is a bit of a sappy additional post, but I just want to say thank you so much for everyone's support recently. I've had some hard times this year and many of you guys have reached out and said some very kind words. So thank you <3
Minecraft wise, if you're looking for server info it's all in the description!
It should honestly be flooded after everyone is done building
waiting for someone to build l'manburg and someone else to put tnt and withers in it
Whats the texture pack
Am i the only one upset that they didn't do this build in a deep ocean biome?
The funny thing is that there actually are two types if water molecule, based off of the angle of electron rotation, and one of them is more wet then the other.
kinda wish that after they finished the build that they put the water back so to have a truly sunken city. Though this is new Atlantis, so it would make sense that it isnt covered in water. Which begs the question why its below the water level to begin with.
I’m worried if they do Australia
My, is this Mizuno's 16 Craft resource pack?
ngl I thought the mods were gonna re-fill it with water so it'd be like actual Atlantis: sunk.
I love how he had to add that mr krabs being addicted to ketamine was NOT canon.
9:03 what you are describing is called viscosity 🙂 Tho it doesnt really have much to do with how "wet" a liquid is, but more like how… gooey? I guess
Gawr gura: heavy breathing
I like how everyone blocks out a lil square of land that theyve claimed its a good system
what is his texture pack?
17:10 someone built the wreck of the USS Arizona and the Arizona Memorial
I love human creativity
Water isnt wet because fire isnt burned
everyone amazed the beyblade show has lore
meawhile im not phased because of how crazy the show is
edit:the way he says "oh no its real.." killed me
I’m just surprised nobody thought to make the temple of the ocean king from phantom hourglass
is this the oldest anarchy server in minecraft 2b2t???
fun fact:pineapples are clusters of berries
wait why is 420 the weeb number
why is capri sun thinner than water
One of these days, someone's gonna get a group together to build a giant crab squid that eclipses the entire area, and it will be glorious.
What is the texture pack because it slapps
Dan discovering viscosity and density live on stream
you should do this with the bermudas triangle and after the stream fill it with water
And not a single Stargate smh
RT actually made a good point with the coral reefs.
Imagine in 50-60 years(maybe less)
An old man loads up minecraft.
He spawns pandas, turtles, bees and looks at all the coral
"Ahh, memories."
9:02 Best choice brand Ketchup available at Hyvee for 1.99 a bottle is less wet than Hyvee Brand drinking water available at Hyvee for 2.99 a case
At some point you have to flood Atlantis. That would look awesome.
Pizza was declared to count as a serving of vegetables in order to allow it's sale in schools under new (at the time) school meal laws. Which makes it extra wrong since tomatoes are fruits.
What texture pack is this?
Fun fact: whales can breath on land, it’s just the fact that they are so large, their entire skeleton will break as they die a slow and painful death! Isn’t that a fun fact you degenerates!