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This video explains my love for the game, as well as how I believe you’re gatekeeping your own enjoyment.
As well as how I think you can circumvent that!
I stream: https://www.twitch.tv/Ludibri
This is why hardcore has such a huge presense. It keeps you focused. Fun has always been lost in people when "their goals" are lost or finished. But in HC, you have a never ending goal, dont die. All other mini sub goals are just icing on the layering towering cake
minecraft is not freedom. Minecraft is definition of freedom.
Ayo I felt stuff while watching this video 🙁
Getting geared up is pretty handy for just focusing on building and whatnot without having to worry about getting killed. Also so that one friend who loves to hit people doesn’t immediately kill you (looking at you, Beardo). Elytra is also really convenient for building, especially if it’s high up.
However, I’ve never really seen the point of getting stuff for the sake of it. I mean sure, some things require grinding, such as making your dream vault or whatever, but just getting op gear to just kill the ender dragon has never made sense to me.
Yup, you are right. I think I will still build the resource farms on the server but I won't force my cousins or brother to check it out or go there. Just use the resources as leverage for another things and if it fails and we just end up getting bored of having it all too easy then I guess that's a lesson for the server I get to share with them after this one eventually closes and we get to open another one in 3-4 years, I don't know.
This made me cry. As a brazilian that grew up seeing minecraft grow with me, i could't hold back the tears of joy. I love this video.
I love this game.
My goal in the current server I’m on is to build this giant observatory that I’m planning the base structure out in a super flat world, I’ve been absolutely loving just mining and running around. It’s so much fun
This was nice, as I get older and further into adulthood, without noticing, I feel like I've slowly stopped myself from being a "kid," whether it was because I felt I needed to act my age, or for whatever reason. I should try being a kid again.
I think the issue is also that we've grown up, and truthfully, it is harder to have fun with just your imagination as an adult than it was as a kid. I remember downloading mods for Minecraft and pretending I was fighting a war against the Nether or reenacting Captain Sparkles music videos. I can use my imagination now but it's not nearly as immersive as it was when I was a kid xD
On a realm I loved building and I never asked my friends for their end game items, I only asked for building supplies and had so much fun making buildings like taverns and libraries. While on the server I never even reached diamond armor and I consider that server one of my most enjoyable experiences
One of my favorite things to do in minecraft is expanding villages. Ill. Spend hours building more houses for pre existing villages, and get to know the villagers. and just have a whole city of em doing their thing!
I remember mostly roleplaying with my self on my creative worlds… those were the days at 10 years old
I'm currently building a house sized Titanic replica.
i didnt know i needed this video now i can enjoy minecraft again
Thanks for the remainder of the great game minecraft is.
I didnt know Packie McReary played minecraft
Ill never forget how i got minecraft way back in the days befor food bars and animal breeding. I was on left for dead with my buddy squeeking it up about wanting Minecraft n how my mom couldnt get it blah blah and q random dude we were playing with said he would be back and gave me a 20 buck microsoft code thing for minecraft… Random act of kindness for a game i enjoyed for years all becaus ethat random guy i never spoke to again
Yo what is the ending music?
I feel like just listening to it while doing homework for some reason.
Seems soothing
Exploding TNT what if videos were such a huge part of my minecraft experience
"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game."
Dude we must be the same age. You started in 2011, didn't think much to begin with, and the first one you got super excited for was 1.4. I remember all my friends freaking out over bats, Carrots, etc. We flew around a black hole we built in mid 2012 on 1.3, thinking about how Halloween was going to be so fun because of the new update. We even pre-emptively made a Christmas cabin for that winter. My PC died for a while and we lost the server JUST before the Halloween update came out. I recently booted it up, and was reading all the signs for upcoming events on the server. Spleef tournaments, PVP matches, and a Pixel Art contest that was planned for November 2012, which never happened, thanks to the crash. Revisiting that world in 2023, it's a physical time capsule, unchanged by time. Probably the only real way to time travel we'll ever have, where we can actually go there and interact with the past, as it was left that day
Youknow i somewhat think the same way, i enjoy building and sure, theres a goal to reach with the dragon, i take my time, meanwhile one of my friends is focused on farms and grinds to get to the most powerful stuff
These videos are underrated I watched the whole thing
If you want some guy to chase and try to kill you….go pester the Warden. 😛
Yeah tbh I think the reason I don't like MC now is because it's uh…. Being tooled to the hardcore endgame bros. Making "mending" harder to get. I don't want difficult shit like that. I want easy tools snd interesting world. And I don't wanna "creative."
I like that I can still just play an old version. Nobody is stopping me from that I reckon.
i just get bored after 5 minutes
Love this, me and some old, school buddies scattered around the world nowadays, started a server together. And we were reunited, we are having blast.
The End.
Ooo we are still playing (building a massive city soon)
Absolutely Yes!
The living out in middle of nowhere ✅ No IRL friends near by, yup ✅
Watching other people play until finally finding the crack version ✅✅
Been there loved it and now I'm getting my fiance into the game!! 💖 🎮
I've been playing Minecraft since I was a little kid and I don't know if I've ever actually been to the End. I just play the game without putting much thought into the completion aspect. it's nice to play a game without it ever feeling like a means to an end, the point is enjoying the journey
I do both. I wanna fight the ender dragon but in a fresh new way. New house, new mine, etc.
It's like homesteading without homesteading.
As a 15 year old, this game ruined my life. I had amazing grades and then, nah bruh i played mc for a year and boom im a monkey
I remember this time I was on an MC realm with a bunch of friends, and it was probably the most fun at the beginning. Me and some other guys made a massive, hidden base up in the mountains and treated it like a fallout vault, then started to make mines, farms, huge walls and a battle arena. We didn't just mine at the start, instead we built stuff, explored, and declared war. But then PVP sweats with netherite and diamonds showed up who did nothing but grind for resources, set TNT traps in houses and destroy those buildings, and rob people. The rest of the people who didn't do that went solo, and just grinded rather than explore and build. I don't even play on it now, since the vault was bombed to bits by griefers and I'm not interested in grinding for 3 hours to get diamonds.
brought up dream smp in a positive light and i am OUT
4:36 Me too! IDK what it is but it's so thrilling. Good imagination ig.
one gripe is that it goes from a quiet, calm recording to loud and obnoxious with equally obnoxious music blasting… not sure if i had a headache before watching this or getting one because of it 😭
but i really do feel more motivated to suck it up and play minecraft without feeling burdened to make something noteworthy or impressive, and just live my best life… but at the same time i always lack creativity in sandbox games, I need something to tell me what i should do, which is honestly pathetic now that i think about it
i downloaded minecraft maps that were towns and pretended there were people, I got into fights, sacrificed people, it was the time of my life
I've never beat the Ender Dragon in singleplayer. Haven't done it in survival or creative. I have done it once on a SMP server about a year ago. My point is I never started a world with the goal of killing the dragon. I would start a world with the Nebulous goal of getting all the achievements, and I did get close one time, but eventually it would turn into me building a cool base, RPing as a hero for a village, or making a village better by upgrading the houses and making the terrain look good. The only thing that took me away from each world was real life, but I only went into these worlds as an escape from life anyways. I wish I had my original world, it's was in MCPE on a Kindle Fire I can't access anymore. It took me so long to make the glass for that damn house. I tried to make an underwater one that failed. I never made the Nether Reactor. Still had fun tho. All the MCPE YouTubers I used to watch are gone now, and many channels were deleted. Guess memories are all that's left now, and hopefully I will make more in the future.
I needed that
the one video on "minecraft isnt fun anymore" that doesnt literally just say "ur not a kid anymore"
sometimes its nice to see how similar other people's experiences have been, this video was almost like looking in mirror for me. Similar past, ideas, etc., but a new perspective.
I actually haven't thought of it that way, I think with everything being about progression and constantly improving somewhere along the way you forget how to just enjoy the sand
It's never about just the fun anymore alone its about a challenge.
and maybe what we never realized was that the limitations and lack of much progression in old/beta minecraft was what made it so memorable, we worked with what we had a sandbox survival game with very minor rpg elements, now those rpg elements have become a lot more important in modern minecraft.
It's as simple as, there doesn't need to be a reason or a reward. If you wanna go see what's over there, just do it. One time my in game cat meowed so I went on an adventure to get her some fish, just because. Just do whatever, you don't need to feel like you're "doing" something all the time.
this video convinced me that no, I wasnt being stagnant in Rebirth of the Night for not clearing up every dungeon and going to dangerous places, I was actually enjoying little base I made. Thank you
As primarily a builder, i never get bored of Minecraft. Been playing since 1.2.5
I really loved this video 💕
I started playing minecraft again in the last few days and it's been a blast….I'm playing 1.16.5 for the nostalgia of the Dream SMP….and I honestly don't give a damn about any new updates
I think this is why I've gone back to playing beta 1.7.3 as there is no end there is no enchantments you just build and the limited blocks really makes you be creative with what you have.
Dont get me wrong I love the modern game. I love all the decorative blocks and watching hermitcraft people build something incredible is so good and cool and the interesting ways they use blocks. But when I play the newer updates I really feel I need to get a large selection of blocks/items in order to build cool things. Which means a lot of grinding for resources which isnt that fun to me.
Beta you got wood and you got stone and that's all there is
To be honest….i'm playing minecraft since 16.5 and i never fought the ender dragon. I stood in the stronghold with my eyes of ender looking at the portal but i could not muster up the courage to go in, i'm 45 but that scares me just like the nether i hate to go in for quarts. I like to make stuff, i also sew so to fight just to fight is just not me and i don't care if i don't have the ender dragon egg or an elytra ( makes traveling easier i know) i don't have to prove to anyone that i can finish the game.
I use Minecraft as an escape. I have played for nearly a decade now and am just now getting to killing the Ender dragon on a survival world. I get so lost in making my home and exploring that getting to the End just doesn’t matter.
This video reminded me of a world I had a few years ago where I found an abandoned village, trapped the zombie villagers for later, and role played that I was slowly going crazy and talking to one of the zombies as I restored the village. Good times
This video feels kinda condescending ngl