How To Run Minecraft 1.16.4 Fast with No Lag

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How can you fix lag in Minecraft 1.16.4 and increase your Minecraft FPS? Well, in this video, we show you the best Optifine settings for Minecraft 1.16.4 that will stop lag and make Minecraft run fast. Even if you want to play Minecraft on a bad computer, this video will help you improve performance allowing you to play. Thus, without any more delay, here is how to run Minecraft fast with no lag in 1.16.4!

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About this video: I do want to note that while this video was originally for 1.16.3, it is completely compatible with Minecraft 1.16.4. The process is the same and it is fully working in both versions.

If you want to know how to make Minecraft not lag in 1.16.4, this is video for you. We go over everything that you need to do in order to stop lag and improve performance for Minecraft 1.16.4. From how to setup your Minecraft launcher to improve lag to how you can increase Minecraft FPS by using Optifine in 1.16.4, this video shows you how to fix lag in Minecraft no matter what.

First things first, you will need to download and install Optifine 1.16.4 in order to stop lag in Minecraft. This is because Optifine is a Minecraft performance mod that optimizes every single part of Minecraft. It allows you to optimize everything from textures and particles to how Minecraft generates chunks. This is the biggest thing you are do to increase your FPS for Minecraft. Luckily, we have helped over 2 million people get Optifine, and we have our in-depth guide linked in the description above.

After you have Optifine installed, let’s go over the best Optifine settings for Minecraft 1.16.4 in order to stop lag. To get to Optifine’s settings, launch Minecraft with Optifine, click on ‘Options’, and the ‘Video Settings’. Here is all of the different settings Optifine has.

To start with, you want to turn graphics on fast, render distance to 2, and smooth lighting and smoothing light level off. You want to max max framerate unlimited, and turn entity shadows and dynamic lights off. Next, go into the shaders menu. Make sure no shaders are selected here Shaders kills performance in Minecraft. After that, move on to quality. Every single thing in the quality menu needs to be turned off in order to stop lag in Minecraft 1.16.4.

We can then move on to the details menu. In order to run Minecraft without lag, you will want to turn everything on this page either ‘off’ or to ‘fast. This ensures that none of the little details in Minecraft will add up to make Minecraft lag. Let’s go to the animations tab next. Optimizing Minecraft performance is really easy with the animations tab, just click the ’All Off’ button. You are now done with the animations tab!

Moving to the performance tab, this is the most unique section of Optifine’s settings. So far, the best settings for stopping lag in Minecraft have either been turning things off or setting them to ‘fast’. Well, in the performance menu, you actually want to turn everything off except for smooth FPS. Chunk updates also needs to be set to 1.

At this point, you are done setting up Optifine to stop lag. We do also recommend turning off any resource packs you have. As texture packs can cause lag in Minecraft. Now, it is time to jump in game and see if you got an FPS increase. My guess is that you will have a lot more FPS in Minecraft 1.16.4!

Congratulations! You now know how to run Minecraft fast with no lag in Minecraft 1.16.4. If you do have any questions about how to fix lag in Minecraft 1.16.4, be sure to let us know in the comment section below, and if we did help you reduce lag in Minecraft 1.16.4, be sure to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. It really helps helps us out, and it means a ton to me. Thank you very, very much in advance!

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49 thoughts on “How To Run Minecraft 1.16.4 Fast with No Lag”

  1. Before 24-34 to 50-80 highest I get when zomeing into the sky 127fps yeh that hight

    Edit: I have all the particals and fancy tree graphics on so not the max I can get but I also don’t want the game to be to bad and 6 chunks

  2. HOW TO USE OPTIFINE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO USED TLAUNCHER: since i got minecraft for free with tlauncher, ill tell u how i got optifine on tlauncher, first open tlauncher then on the bottom right, there is a cog and to the left to it there is a file logo, click onto that then you will see all the files, now what you need to do is go to downloads (or wherever your optifine file is) then copy it, and then press backspace, then press the 'mods' folder then paste. tada you are done

  3. I was hoping this would work for me. The game has been running great for ever and then two days ago, I'm getting 7 fps. It's completely unplayable. I didn't download anything new or change any settings. I fallowed the video and have nothing's changed for the better either. Really sucks.


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