How to Raid a Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.19 & Get Potion Supplies

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How to Raid a Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.19 & Get Potion Supplies


Learn How to Find a Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.19 and How to Raid and Loot Nether Fortress in Minecraft Java and Bedrock. How to Explore a Nether Fortress in Minecraft and get Blaze Rods, Nether Wart and other brewing items is discussed with How to do a Safe Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft Survival. Also How to Defeat Wither Skeletons and How to Defeat Blaze as well as magma cubes and more is in this Minecraft 1.19 Guide

0:00 – Intro
0:13 – How To Find a Nether Fortress
1:16 – Soul Sand Valley Fortress
2:18 – Items Needed to Raid it
3:45 – Nether Fortress Loot
6:03 – How to Defeat The Blaze
8:18 – Defeating Wither Skeletons
9:29 – Avoiding Zombified Piglins
10:03 – Slaying Skeletons
10:29 – Killing The Magma Cube
11:19 – How to Raid The Fortress
12:29 – Important Fortress Strategies
13:48 – Nether Fortress Facts


29 thoughts on “How to Raid a Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.19 & Get Potion Supplies”

  1. Also worth noting about finding a nether fortrss in soul sand valley is that it can be a really good spot for making a wither skeleton farm. If you find one and it's in a soul sand valley, mark its coordinates.

  2. My tip is when first raiding a fortress make sure you have like 6 stacks of stone type block. Like cobble or deepslate. Make bridges everywhere so you can quickly run from a place to other using the made bridges. Also what I suggest is already bring 3 water bottles with you and a piece of redstone. This way when you find a fortress you only need a magma cube and blazerod to make yourself 3 8min fire res potions… Also bring normal golden apples. Or bring apples and mine the gold in the nether. Having like 10-20 golden apples really helps. Because you can eat them and just try to always stay above 6 hearts. The witherskeletons hurt. Also make a lot of safe spots where 2 high gaps and or places in the walls where you could quickly hide because blazes have extreme range and you could be seeing no mobs and then 10 seconds later there are like 4 witherskelletons and 3 blazes around the corner…

  3. Hi, i really like your content but i think a lot of people including me would like a hardcore/survival lets play it would be really entertaining and also informative for people.

  4. I die in the nether, I say I am never going back, I wait 2 months, I kill everything in the nether, then I die in the nether, I say I am never going back, I wait 2 months, I kill everything in the nether, then I die in the nether, I say I am never going back, I wait 2 months, I kill everything in the nether, then I die in the nether, I say I am never going back, I wait 2 months, I kill everything in the nether, then I die in the nether, I say I am never going back, I wait 2 months, I kill everything in the nether, then

  5. Chunkbase is something I've never used in an actual survival world im playing.

    I have never failed to find a fortress by simply just searching around, so there was no need anyway.

  6. I hate this place. Those damn Ghast are on me as soon as I spawn in and chase me the whole time I'm in there. I don't think I've lasted a whole 15 minutes there yet. Definitely no more then 10! It's so damn frustrating 😤 😒 😑

  7. Thank you for inspiring me to raid a nether fortress. You make such good videos. Sadly, I died and respawned at the world spawn point, but it is ok because I have to coordinates for my house.

  8. You can use Looting with a bow, snowball, crossbow, trident, as you please.

    The the looting effect happens if you’re holding a looting sword when the mob dies by any attack from you. It’s easiest to use the bow in your off hand, though you can be fancy and shoot the arrow or other weapon and switch to your sword while it’s flying to the target.

    This can make collecting rods much easier, since you can see a sliver of a blaze’s hitbox around a corner and fire before it can see you. Standing above fortress bridges and raining arrows down on all the wither skeletons in range while holding a Looting III sword works well to collect skulls. Doing this in open plain at night lets you stock up on gunpowder too. It’s also one of the only easy ways to use Looting on a ghast without an elytra, dropping up to 4 tears and 5 gunpowder with Looting III.

    Gold or iron, or worn out, swords with Looting can be perfect for this, since it takes no durability from the sword and the damage is done by the arrow.

  9. Minecraft player over 40, here. And I really enjoy the game. My son encouraged me to play. I'm happy he did it. Today I found a Bastion and another Fortress literally right around the corner from each other. My son and myself read the another fortress. Given he's been playing since it's conception. I'm the only one that made it out. But what I took inside whitney, was a diamond pickaxe, diamond X and A dinosaur. I took three stacks of buttons. Because I plan on using this Fortress as a farm for a couple of things. So I began laying down buttons. I also took 12 golden carrots, 12 golden apples, and 30 cooked beef. I took 12 obsidian blocks. In case I needed to make an emergency portal. And some glass windows because I wanted to block off the blade spawner. So that I could find Blaze rods. Plus I like the way they look. So I'm going to be able to see them through the glass. Torches, and I thought I could feel the column in the nether since you can take a gallon in the nether. But you can't build it in the nether. So I just have some extra iron and a pumpkin. About and some arrows, as well. It was really fun I enjoyed it. And tomorrow we rate the bastion.

  10. I love your videos, I recently just got back into Minecraft and you just fill me with more and more knowledge ❤️ very straightforward great style honestly.

  11. I found that honey also stops the wither effect and it stacks. I did okay early game with Fire Prot iron armor and a Diamond Sword with Looting, Knockback, Smite IV, at least I didn't die anyway.


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