How To Play ANY Minecraft Modpack – FORGE & FABRIC [Optifine | Shaders | RAM]

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Noob explains in this video how to play any Minecraft Modpacks and how to allocate RAM and get Optifine/Shaders!
Apologies for the one voice only coming to the left speaker lol
➔ Info: 00:00
➔ Install CurseForge Launcher: 00:30
➔ Allocate RAM on CurseForge: 02:10
➔ Exit Code 0: 05:36
➔ Install GD Launcher: 03:53
➔ Allocate RAM on GD Launcher: 06:23
➔ Install MultiMC: 07:02
➔ Allocate RAM on MultiMC: 07:32
➔ How to Install Shaders for Fabric: 09:18
➔ How to Install Optifine: 09:38
➔ Curseforge Launcher:
➔ GD Launcher:
➔ MultiMC Launcher:
➔ Modpack:
➔ Discord:
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Thanks for Watching!
#HowToPlayMinecraftModpacks #HowToPlayAnyMinecraftModpack #MinecraftModpacks


30 thoughts on “How To Play ANY Minecraft Modpack – FORGE & FABRIC [Optifine | Shaders | RAM]”

  1. I was ready to get irritated when I saw the curse launcher. I think there's a ridiculous number of guides for it. Especially considering how easy it is to use.
    Then I saw you included MultiMC. As that is the only modpack launcher I know of for Linux, I have to respect that. MultiMC is awesome.

  2. how do i make the mod pack not lag ? i can play but its not getting more than 50-60 fps when im using the modpack , normally when i play vanilla i have over 1-2k fps

  3. Anyone found a fix for optifine causing the uncaught fatal exeption error code 1 and refusing to start on java version? I tried running better minecraft forge 1.16.5 in both GD and curseforge. I use 8 gb ram and removed magnesium mod. EDIT, turns out using an older version of optifine solved it!

  4. Not sure why, but I've found that contrary to what it says in the menu with this modpack on and contrary to what this video says… The game seems to run better the less RAM I dedicate to it… I've got 16GB of RAM in my PC and if I set it to 8 GB in GDLauncher it is very laggy (I used GDLauncher since CurseForge gave me the Exit 0 error)… Not just Minecraft, it lags my whole computer… I experimented and found that 6GB made it run smoother with less lag in game and in general for my PC… I also tried 4GB and now 2GB and there's very little lag (FAR less than when it was on 8GB)… Doesn't seem to be any issues with how the mods work so far… I don't think know what the benefit would be to using 8GB tbh… I won't go below 2GB though, I feel like this is working good enough… It does lag every now and then, but nowhere like when it was at 8GB…

    So yeah, if it's lagging your PC then maybe try disregarding what the modpack/this person (who I think created the modpack) tells you and reduce the RAM to make it run better… I have no idea why everyone seems to think it's the opposite, maybe it's just because I also have a few dozen things open which also demand some RAM (mainly google chrome windows, but also some word docs and stuff), maybe it's something to do with my CPU, or maybe a lot of people are acting like they know a lot about this when they actually don't…?

    All I'm saying is it seems to have worked for me extremely well… I don't know why, but it has…


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