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How can you make a Minecraft 1.16.4 server? Well, in this video, we show you exactly how to create a Minecraft server for 1.16.4. From where to download the Minecraft 1.16.4 server files to how you can make a Minecraft server to start playing Minecraft 1.16.4 with your friends, this video covers it all.
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Server Download: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/ServerDownload
Download Java: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Java
Download Java Fix If Needed: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Jarfix
Find Your Router’s Password: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/RouterPasswords
Port Forward Tutorial: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/SetupRouter
Find Your IP Address: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/WhatIsMyIP
Add More RAM to Your Server!: https://youtu.be/xM8M13EVDeA
Windows Defender Guide: https://youtu.be/DAEkA2LEyb8
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About this video: In this video, we show you exactly how to make a Minecraft 1.16.4 server. From how to get the Minecraft server files for 1.16.4 to how you can create your Minecraft 1.16.4 server from those files to how you can port for a Minecraft 1.16.4 server in order to let your friends join your Minecraft 1.16.4. Thus, we also show you how to play Minecraft 1.16.4 with your friends in this video. Thus, without any more delay, here is how to host a Minecraft server in 1.16.4!
The first step of making a Minecraft 1.16.4 server is downloading the Minecraft server files. You can find a link to the Minecraft server files in the description above. Once you click that link, you will actually be taken to our text tutorial on creating a Minecraft 1.16.4 server. From here, click on the green ‘Download Minecraft’ button. That will take you to Minecraft’s official website where you will see a download ‘minecraft_server.1.16.4.jar’ link. Click that, and the server.jar for Minecraft 1.16.4 will start downloading. You will need to keep/save the file depending on your browser.
After you have the Minecraft server file downloaded, create a new folder on your desktop, and drag-and-drop the server file you downloaded into it. Then, open up the folder, and double click on the server.jar. You will then see an EULA file appear. Open that, and change ‘EULA=false’ to ‘EULA=true’. Save that file, and double click on the server.jar file again. This will start your Minecraft 1.16.4 server for the first time.
Now, click the Windows button in the left of the screen, and type in ‘CMD’. Open the CMD and type in ‘ipconfig’. You will then see a bunch of numbers pop-up. Make note of our IPv4 address and the default gateway. Then, go into the server folder, open up the ‘server.properties’ file. Then, paste your IPv4 address next to the ‘server-ip=’ line in the server.properties. Save the file.
Start your server, and now, if you got to Minecraft, and enter in your IPv4 address, you will join your 1.16.4 Minecraft server. However, your friends won’t be able to join your server this way. In order for your friends to join your Minecraft server, you will need to port forward.
The first step of port forwarding is logging int your router. To do this, enter your default gateway into your browser. Next, enter in your login info for your router. You can find this information using the link in the description above. Once you have, login to your router. It is now time to port forward.
Specifically, you will need to forward port ‘25565’ on the TCP and UDP protocol for the device you are starting your server on. When you do this, you will be able to get your public IP address from the link in the description above. Give this to your friends. They will be able to enter this IP and join your Minecraft 1.16.4 server.
Congratulations! You now know how to make a Minecraft server in 1.16.4. If you do have any issues creating a Minecraft 1.16.4 server, please let us know in the comment section below. However, if we did help you play Minecraft 1.16.4 with you friends, be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. It really helps us out, and it means a ton to me. Thank you very, very much in advance!
Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.
★ Minecraft Server IP: Play.BreakdownCraft.com
★ Join BreakdownCraft on Discord!: https://BreakdownCraft.com/Discord
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uh i shared my friends my local ip addres and my regular ip address
and they cannot join. any help?
how to make this serwer non premium
it says ive been timed out
mine is a notepad (my server.jar) not the java logo with the coffee
what do I do if a accidentally didn't press private networks?
thanks so much your guides are so good!
After i portfoward it isnt letting me open the server.jar
Y isnt the server install thing here in the description
so im not paying 15 bucks a month when i could just get bedrock edition soooooo.
how to use mods with this
is it just me or does he talk 90% to much this vid can be 5 min long aand this doesent work for me
Do you know if this will work relatively the same on a mac? If not what would be the difference
bro this guy is insane he deserves like 14.7 mil subs im not even kidding
How do I get the 1.16 version of the server jar file? I can only find the 1.17 version
It says you’ll need a new app
Good vid
does this guy even help people in the comments???? "connection timed out" is all I get
i am on a windows10 emulater on a mac it just pops up with an error even if its linked to java
would be really cool tbh if mojang made servers better on java but they wont because they want people to use bedrock more
Yo your videos are a lifesaver. For real. Also, I know your the busiest man alive; but could you maybe talk like 15% slower.
please respond to my comment
it doesent work
i have 16 gigs of ram is that ok
Cool that helped a lot
You need to sing in taht
Am i the only person who saw the pink sheep 0_0
does it work when my friend have cracked minecraft?
pretty sure 100000 of these views are from me