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Villagers are by far the single most useful mob in all of Minecraft. Getting villagers at your base is literally game changing. What if your world has no village or theyre all very far tho? In this episode we talk all about villagers without villages!
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if you read this comment “big nose”
Waddles, use a name tag and name the zombie villager it won't despawn
I think zombie spawner works too?
I died and lost everything this has eased my suffering
My luck with zombie villagers is finding them in a ravine or cave. Never on top ground
There's a taiga right outside your base. Mushrooms – in – Taigas. Duh
That was tiresome to sit thru. A thirty minute video with about 4 minutes of useful content.
wait for new moon.
i got 2 baby Zombie villager…😂
I always ends up hearing Dan Olson’s “I did a colonialism in minecraft” video on a loop in my head everytime I even consider trying the kidnapping method for getting villagers so you can imagine how grateful I am for this tutorial
On bedrock edition TNT doesn't leave fire on netherrack
Yesterday one of the abandoned villages in my world just turned back to life and somehow have a whole village living there now
Big nose
Use silk touch to get the glow berries
I did once have a village right around my house with non. My main thing I did was: rush and find a fortress. And cure them it worked as
One thing you can do if you're transporting a zombie villager in daytime and it doesn't have a helmet is splash a potion of fire resistance and have it follow you around. It will be on fire but it won't take any damage!
Bruuuuuh! 'ending on a cliff hanger' Please tell me there's a follow up video showing us that the villager was cured???
28:16 "truly this is the most exciting thing to happen to me since i was born" i really just spat out my coffee at this omg
Just go for dark oak forest for mushroom next time lol
@ 20:38 5% would be 1 in 20, so for every 20 zombies there should be one zombie villager [on average].
Whenever I need to do it I just make a mod grinder and they are so much more easier to find.
Wattles you forgot to put this ep on the playlist
"we can all be weak together" sounds like a great and powerful line
How about finding an igloo?
The Zilliger is holding an item, so it shouldn't despawn.
I managed to make a zombie villager while putting a zombie in a boat for an iron farm
I get my mushrooms from the nether roof lol
thx for the gide, naaah. I like how you build and play but if you send me to search for a browm mushrum in caves i have to stop you there. If you need brown or red mushrum you go in to dark forest, they are coment and have huge mushrums that bloks drop a mushrum. Im not going in the stuped cave that to see mushrum is that rear. If you do gids do it right d e m n it.
I have a zombie spawner and zombie villagers spawn from it all the time
Hostile mobs don't despawn if they are holding items. Seeing the zombie villager is holding rotten flesh it won't despawn
Been watching a few YouTubers since I started playing Minecraft again and besides the guides for farms that have been around, man y’all are noobs when it comes to early game.
just sit and fish with a normal rod and you’ll pull an enchanted one with mending, now just keep going and level up, before you know it you have enchanted bows, enchanted books, saddles, and definitely a bow with infinity.
Getting villagers, build a cube, with trap doors, put boats around it and a roof over it all. Keep a cat near and next day boats full with zombies, even with zombie villagers.
I actually love doing the cure zombie method but rather than looking for them what i do is as soon as i see one i put them in a rowboat this usually happens a lot earlier than im ready to actually cure them. The reason i use this method is because i make my own custom maps on world painter and there are no naturally spawning villages within the world painted boundry
I have literally never seen a wild zombie villager not in a village. Ever.
o.o Slightly cornfused… 156 was before 155 on Wattles season 3 guide playlist.
In the playlist this is after episode 156