HOW to get on People-Watching! #minecraft

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21 thoughts on “HOW to get on People-Watching! #minecraft”

  1. I broke my old phone but where back now with a new phone and its Day 73 of Commenting My Earth bending. Idea Until I get noticed. And Potentially added to the game

    Name :EarthSerpent

    Damage: 2 Hearts every 3 seconds

    So what the ability does is in crouch for a couple seconds. And then stop crouching whenever some particles appear. And A snake looking thing will be in front of you and you can move it around by turning your screen. Kind of like fire disk. And also like firedisk, you can throw it, return it. But Throw and return are the only things that it will share with fire disk. So basically what I mean is after you summon It You will be able Move it forward, return it. Make it Spin around you. And finally It will disappear. But something Else that is special about it is if you move it below you And crouch.
    It will fling you A bit up and. forward and the particles of the snake will be. Below you while you're in the air as If you were riding on it. But after you did it, it would disappear. And of course, you couldn't use it forever. It would eventually disappear naturally.

    And that's it
    I don't think this is necessary. But my Minecraft username is.me8651


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