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Today I will be showing you how to get every new item for Minecraft 1.17 and 1.17.1
From Dripleaf to dripstone, to candles, these new blocks can be obtained in different ways in Minecraft 1.17. The first part of the caves and cliffs update adds lots of different blocks like copper, Deepslate, and the Axolotl. This update is very big and has a variety of different steps for getting certain items. The release of 1.17 is today and 1.18 will be released in December.
How to get every NEW item for minecraft 1.17.1
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💬Discord name: Gecko#5847
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World download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ql2rf5x6ze6u2i7/every_item.zip/file
0:00 – Introduction
0:05 – Where to find an amethyst geode
0:44 – How to get spyglass, tinted glass, smooth basalt, and calcite
0:58 – How to find Deepslate and deepslate ores
1:33 – How to make every Deepslate variant
1:54 – Where tuff generates
2:01 – How to get raw ores and their block types
2:30 – Copper, lightning rod and how to get waxed copper and oxidized copper
3:33 – How to find dripstone/dripstone blocks and how to farm dripstone
4:00 – How to find and farm glow lichen
4:13 – How to find moss blocks, moss carpet, and the azaleas
4:36 – How to find the small Dripleaf and big Dripleaf
4:58 – How to find and farm glow berries
5:16 – How to find azalea trees, Azalea leaves, rooted dirt, and hanging root
5:57 – How to find the axolotl and glow squid
6:12 – How to get the axolotl in a bucket
6:31 – How to get glow ink and glow item frames
7:13 – How to get powdered snow and find goats
7:48 – How to make candles
8:15 – How to obtain the skulk sensor, bundle, and spore blossom
8:41 – If you have any questions
8:58 – End message
9:20 – Outro
#Minecraft #cavesandcliffs #Gecko #candles #axolotl #azalea #copper #minecraft1.17
The canals are not in bedrock edition yet but they will be soon. Candles can be obtained in only java edition and not bedrock edition. Bundles can only be ontained in minecraft java edition using commands. Goat horns are only obtainable in bedrock edition.
This video was very helpful thank you
What is a glow rod?
Btw u don't need a silk touch
Simple explanation. Nice work! U earned a sub!
how can we make bundle i can't make it
or is it only for Java Edition can make bundle cause i try to make bundle on my ipad
Me: Why did minecraft make part's? Why can't they just have the whole update?
Mojang: …
I don’t have the candle item in my minecraft but I have all the other stuff
What command do you use to get a bundle?
What the command to get the command things?🥰
I love how the axolotl and squid are named 'person' 😂
I have it
Bedrock Edition players: But, we have no candles ):
can i ask what the command to get the bundle is? ^^
I do not have a candle
Me: doesn’t really deserve subs
You: deserves subs
keep it up!
why are not the candle crafting
The candles n bundle isn’t added to bedrock while the others have
Candles aren’t in bedrock edition😩
Hey there gecko I play mine craft and I have the same gecko as your profile pic