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Server IP – play.BendersMC.co (PORT – 19132)
Version – Java / Bedrock (1.21+)
Discord & Socials – https://linktr.ee/BendersMC
#minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes
Server is Java & Bedrock 1.21+ We have a connection tutorial on Discord if you need it!⚡️
Bro u did something cuz when i got on everything was gone my base and armour and tools
oxidized copper should be unable to conduct lightning (or have reduced lightning damage based on weathered stage)
Your server won't let me join and when I do it sucks. People aren't nice and spawn killing. NOT FUN
You ruin every update shut up
blits I can't join your server my fps is 40-20 and i cannot enter a world
Copper Oxide should reduce any electricity because it is a worse conductor than copper
Add self electric shock on copper but its 100% if the caster is on copper
add paper bending
Good for one tapping players
Domain expansion ferrous thunder
Wait can water benders can use a honey block or not or earth bender can bend honey blocks?
7can I chamfe Mt element whenever I want ??
Here’s the thing: water itself isn’t conductive, and only is a semiconductor because of what is in it, the concentration of the thing in it
If you want to balance it more, maybe you could make fully weathered copper conduct worse
can i join on cracked launcher like T-Launcher?
Can you electrocute water benders
The trial chambers have been in the game for over 3 month
Shouldn't you get shocked also? Because copper is highly conductive and so is the human body, the lighting is coming from your body which is highly conductive and you're standing on copper which is highly conductive so shouldn't it just travel through your body to the copper shocking your self?
I was expecting to hear “GET OUT-“ after that joke lmao
Should make oxidized copper not conduct lightning bending bc irk the oxide layer prevents copper from conducting electricity well
You got me with that😂😂😂
I love it that he didnt act like a roblox dev abd patch it. True man
Me: Lightning bends
Chat: You killed someone
(Q: Is it aimed or does it follow all copper? Ex: a zombie behind a copper door to my West and I shock the floor looking a different direction that isnt west. Will the zombie die?)
What if a lightning bender make their house out of copper blocks so if any one attacks them they can easily win
Trying to be azula
Shouldnt the Copper de oxidise ?
Damn I thought he would nerf the bending so that it will not be easy to clear the trial chambers with it but instead he kinda encourage people to use it lol
There should be a thing where if you wear leather boots or daimond boots you don't get electrocuted because they don't conduct electricity but if you wear metal it should (as well as netherite)
I am shocked
Pls give us v2 v3 v4 plss more powerful each element have quest
Wearing leather against a lightning bender shiuld make you immune
I punched my screen because of his bad joke
What should you do if the command for the element you want says its a invalid code?
About the new element add the dark element it allows you to do in shadows and all sorts of stuff if they are that you to come out to the rest of these days it's a super daddy day you know🎉
Can you please add keep inventory?
How about the player using the ability💀
Put the lightning element on your Microsoft
Domain expansion: electric chamber of death
Firebenders makes trial chambers a base
The other benders: ah shi we cant attack his base when he's there
To be honest, I found this joke funny
Watt is this video man
I liked your pun
You can place a block and jump above it and just electric cute everything
YES, this guy is a fucking genius
I hate to do this but…
Erm technically the copper within the trial chamber are waxed, which add a layer of insulator to the conductive copper. (But at high voltage everything is a conductor anyway lol) 🤓👆
Please make the lightning abilities be able to power redstone
Have people on that server made a village?
I heard brial trailers but it was just me