How To Download & Install Fabric Mods in Minecraft 1.17

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This video shows you how to download and install Fabric Minecraft mods in 1.17. Fabric is a Minecraft mod loader for 1.17 that allows you to install some cool Minecraft mods that will do everything from add-in minimaps to setup schematics to much more. There are tons of Minecraft for 1.17 that work with Fabric, so let’s go ahead and install Fabric in Minecraft 1.17!

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Download Fabric:
Download The FabricAPI:

Download RoughlyEnoughItems:
Download the Cloth Config:
Download the Architectury API:

Download InventoryHUD+:

Download Java:
Run the Jarfix:
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About this video: Before jumping into how to download Fabric 1.17 in Minecraft, why would you need the Fabric mod loader in 1.17 in the first place? Well, Fabric is a mod loader, similar to Forge, that will allow you to setup mods in Minecraft 1.17 and play in both single player and multiplayer.

One benefit of Fabric is that it updates to new versions of Minecraft, such as 1.17, much quicker than Forge. This allows you to start playing modded Minecraft early. Do note though that Forge mods will not work with Fabric. You will need to make sure that you are sticking to just Fabric mods for Minecraft 1.17 in this tutorial. Thus, here is how to install Minecraft mods in 1.17 with Fabric!

The first step of adding Fabric mods to Minecraft is downloading the Fabric mod loader installer. This installer will allow you to add Fabric to Minecraft. You can find the official Fabric download link in the description above. Once you are there, click on the ‘Download Installer (universal/.jar)’ button. Fabric will begin downloading right away. You need to keep or save the file depending on your browser.

Once you have Fabric downloaded, it is time to download some Fabric mods. There are a lot of mods that support Fabric. Just make sure that you are downloading the Fabric versions of the mod you want. We have three Fabric mods linked above. The download process is outlined within the video.

After getting your Fabric mod loader and the Fabric mods, we can move on to how to install Fabric in Minecraft 1.17. You may need to download Java and run the Jarfix. These are linked in the description above if you need them. Nevertheless, find the Fabric installer file you downloaded. When you do, right-click on it, and select ‘Open With’. Then, select Java and click ‘okay’. The Fabric mod installer will open up. To install Fabric 1.17, just click the ‘Install’ button. After a few seconds, a message that say Fabric was successful at installing will open! Close out of the installer.

Moving on to how to install mods in Minecraft 1.17 with Fabric, we need to press the Windows Key and ‘R’ at the same time. This will open the run app. In the run app, type ‘%appdata%’, and hit enter. This will open up your Roaming folder. You will see a ‘.minecraft’ folder. Open that, and you should see a mods folder. If you don’t have a mods folder, just create one! Now, to install Fabric mods in Minecraft 1.17, drag-and-drop the mods you want to install into the mods folder. You now know how to add mods to Minecraft 1.17 in Fabric.

From there, all we need to do is open up the Minecraft launcher, click the little arrow next to the Play button, click on the ‘Fabric 1.17’ version here, and click ‘Play’. You will get a warning saying you are going to be playing modded Minecraft. Check the little box and click ‘Play’ again. Minecraft 1.17 will now open up with Fabric mods installed!

Congratulations! You now know how to download and install the Fabric mod loader in Minecraft 1.17. If you have any questions about how to add Fabric mods to Minecraft 1.17, let us know in the comments below. If we did, however, help you install mods to Minecraft 1.17 with Fabric, please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven’t already.

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21 thoughts on “How To Download & Install Fabric Mods in Minecraft 1.17”

  1. So I'm trying to download a modpack using fabric, it's called All of Fabric 4. The file is a zip instead of a jar, but when I extract eh file, there is no zip files for me to add to my mods folder. Anybody know what I could or should be doing? I've seen it's worked for others, so I'm very confused lol

  2. sir,. do you need to go to the toilet ,…?if so just pause your recording and continue , it is not necessary to have your "tutorials" spoken so quick as said it is kind of a tutorial so speaking understandable not faster makes it more enjoyable to watch .

  3. I have an issue where my Minecraft Launcher crashed every time I try to open the fabric modded version.
    I followed everything step by step and I have no clue what is going wrong. A little help?


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