How to Build an Inescapable Prison in Minecraft

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How to Build an Inescapable Prison in Minecraft
#MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftPrison #Eyecraftmc


42 thoughts on “How to Build an Inescapable Prison in Minecraft”

  1. Anyone else stop to think "Yeah but you could switch to creative from within the nether, not touching the portal, and then have so many ways to escape.." Seems like a silly thing to overlook when going out of ye way to proactively shut down the 'use cheats' argument lol

  2. You could just go and barter with piglins to get obsidian, it's not the most common drop, but it is a drop so no one is trapped

    Not to mention you can just build a chest, put everything in it, and die

  3. finally finds a advantageous and or manipulative methodology toward opening a portal toward the nether factually within the inside of my own fuckin' house toward not being depreciated at all by Zombie Pigmen and or Magma Cube mobs randomly crossing over toward the overworld within the inside of my house toward being a pragmatic experience with this said methodology "*while my spawn point is reset toward the bed I last slept on toward automatically respawning me metaphorically in case I die again* Dormammu; I've come to bargain." #MetaphoricallyDormammuIveComeToBargainBadassMemeAndOrAlsoSemiMeme


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