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How to Build an Inescapable Prison in Minecraft
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#MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftPrison #Eyecraftmc
Nah just jump in sum lava or find some pitons or do anything in the nether and u just spawn in the overworld…
You can break obsidian with your hand, it just takes really long time. And if you have a diamond pickaxe, that should fix it. Or have someone else join your world.
a fist and five minutes of time: "I'm about to end this guy's whole career"
Make another portal at the nether and when you got to the over world find the coordinates where you built that portal… you're welcome.
Jumps into lava
he said the inventory was empty, dumbasses 🙄
Lol just lava bucket, water bucket, ender pealrs, chorus fruits, yeah…
Chorus Fruit or Ender Pearls would solve this
Legends break their below obsidian and escape is done😂😂😂😂😂
Cant you literally just place a block inside the portal?
I have a better trap
"Have you ever heard the tragedy of Eyecraftmc the mouseless?"
For those who are saying that we can go to nether they are wrong we can't go back without going to other block
Situation like that have a friend join the world so they can get you out. Otherwise you would have to create a secondary account so you can login and join the world.
I used a netherportal as a vanilla way to mute chat offense players who got put in jail.
Anyone else stop to think "Yeah but you could switch to creative from within the nether, not touching the portal, and then have so many ways to escape.." Seems like a silly thing to overlook when going out of ye way to proactively shut down the 'use cheats' argument lol
You could just go and barter with piglins to get obsidian, it's not the most common drop, but it is a drop so no one is trapped
Not to mention you can just build a chest, put everything in it, and die
Punch portal and cheat
In lunar client u can do host world set gamemode spectator by the pause menu and get out so its ez
Pro i can just mine obsidian with my fist even though with the time
You can starve and escape it by dying
1 step way until losing all your friends
This is ALMOST every nether portal at spawn on 2b2t, and there is a way to escape if you have chorus fruit or manage to starve yourself
What?! I thought everyone knew this!
finally finds a advantageous and or manipulative methodology toward opening a portal toward the nether factually within the inside of my own fuckin' house toward not being depreciated at all by Zombie Pigmen and or Magma Cube mobs randomly crossing over toward the overworld within the inside of my house toward being a pragmatic experience with this said methodology "*while my spawn point is reset toward the bed I last slept on toward automatically respawning me metaphorically in case I die again* Dormammu; I've come to bargain." #MetaphoricallyDormammuIveComeToBargainBadassMemeAndOrAlsoSemiMeme
How to escape
1. Quit the app
2. Set the world to multiplayer and turn on lan
3. Use an alt account or call a friend to break the obsidian
4. Well done! You just escaped
For a second you can use chat so if you are quick enough you can get creative and escape
the perfect prison lmfao
Ways to escape:
Ender perls
Corus fruit
Getting good
Touching grass
It's been 10 years where's the milk
atlas earth
This is evil in the form of a nether portal
I mean, cool prison, but you could just starve yourself to death.
– Chorus Fruit
– Enderpearls
– Hacked clients
– Open the world to LAN
Can u just break the portal
but it opens another portal on overworld. So its useless
But if you were to die you’d respawn in the overworld
Well, once hunger kicks in… escapable
F3 N …
Haha imagine joining a randoms world and doing this to them after they enter the nether, ultimate evil troll.