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In this video, we take a look at Ontricus’s Minecraft 1.15 RSG World Record.
PangoMi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6tGsDOcHIQpDyWXSdZDvQw
Footage Credits:
Ontricus WR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii7I9bsahc0&t=125s
Ontricus 13:08 End Enter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7dukKcqohk
Ontricus 1.7 PB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbT-n4gQsIQ
Korbanoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD6DTX39REg&ab_channel=Korbanoes
Dimeax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBcdaFZGyIk&ab_channel=Dimeax
Music Credits:
Hephestos Music – SM World Game Over Lofi Hip Hop Remix
HOME – Still Life
HOME – Oort Cloud
HOME – Tides
Cheesenubs Music – Brackish
Sun – Yu-Utsu
Outro prod. NickHitt Beats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkLZ0IxEtnU&ab_channel=NickHittBeats
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Written and edited by: https://twitter.com/TWTAmtrakAndrew
“Just to put it into perspective, if you had a dollar for every minute of Ontricus’ combined RSG, you’d have less than 50 dollars.” I love this humor
if you had a strange comment about having something for every minute of this run, you would have 15 strange comments
Let's hope it's sub 15 retime
Great Video!!!
Wow, it's crazy that he would take over 275,000 chairs to seat his over 275,000 runs, if they were people.
if you got a quarter for how many minutes this run took, youd have 15 quarters.
I absolutely love how you break it down and deepen my love of this game through stretching out the achievement.
I- I gotta go punch a tree… scratches nervously
I hope you can answer. Can I use optifine in minecraft speedrun
Is this Satire? if each run was a human you'd need x amount of chairs, lol
I can just imagine people watching these videos who aren't familiar with minecraft and you just say "beds to blow up the dragon" XD
hey guys! just wanted to let you all know that i hate all of you and will never forgive you 😀
why can I see so many "If 'x' happens then you would have 'y'"
Hello members of "The Weekly Thing" (and others who may read this)!
I hope this comment catches your eye in the wide sea of YouTube comments, for creators such as thou I understand that you must be flooded with attention from fans such as myself. As a humble viewer of this remarkable channel, I would like to thank you for your rich commentary on the MCU (Minecraft Cspeedrunning Universe) and everything I've learned from your content. Your channel has been truly life-changing. All I can say is thank you.
In best regards,
Alex Holly
What's more is that he's Ukrainian
if you had a person for every minute in this 15 minute speedrun, you would need 15 chairs to seat those people
You need over 275,000 chairs to seat 275,000+ people?!?🤯🤯
Could've sworn you had a video on Drem (not a typo), or at least some youtuber this doll actually knew did.
Video on feinberg AA when?
Is that fucking antarctica like bruh be speedruninng in fucking antarctica 🇦🇶
No hate but these analogies don't help at all lol
If you had a dollar for every dollar you have you would have the same number of dollars
The comparison with the chair was weird but the rest of the video was good as always!
Where can I find information about the region system for other structures like shipwrecks? I have seen much information on regions in the nether but never for overworld structures.
He evan has a 14:37 LMAO
This is a incredible show of dedication and this is what speed running is about.
I dislike the fact that there is people who aren’t fully aware of this amazing community and saying Ontricus is bad.
0:49 yo my guy is from Antarctica (Number 10 on the leaderboard)