How Many Minecraft Farms Fit in This Square?

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In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone video, Mumbo asks How many Minecraft farms fit in a 7×7 Red Square? This video includes a tiny villager trading hall, a small sugar cane farm and even a tiny Minecraft mob farm. These compact Minecraft farms would be easy to build in Minecraft survival. These Simple Minecraft farms are great if you want to know How to start a Minecraft world properly.

This video is inspired by Mr Beast and his Anything you can fit in the square I’ll pay for series.

My Minecraft servers are provided by Nodecraft! Following this link gives you 30% off:

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25 thoughts on “How Many Minecraft Farms Fit in This Square?”

  1. hey I have a challage for you and it's making a piston door thats is 2 by 2 with a botton on one side and a pressure plate on the other without glass. It's possible, I have done it before in two different ways.

  2. Hey Mumbo. I remember seeing you do a tutorial on an item frame lock where you rotated the item a whole turn around to give out a redstone signal but i can't seem to find it anywhere. Any chance you could point me to which video it was in. Or if anyone else knows?

  3. mumbo.. how can i contact you to share my multi items sorting system design… coz i dont really can make it as a content.. can u at least review it? i am using 1.18.1 patch


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