How many Blocks can you Break in One Click in Minecraft?

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This was one crazy video guys, please follow me on everything, especially real life
come stalk me so you can compliment my videos to my face
next video I’m going to play every video game, all of them, all 5 million, I am something of a speedrunner myself

Song: Victor Cooper – Windwalker (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.
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32 thoughts on “How many Blocks can you Break in One Click in Minecraft?”

  1. A world doesn’t have 23 quadrillion blocks unless you load the entire world, otherwise it only has data for a small fraction of the blocks, and a function to procedurally generate more blocks when you want to load a new area

  2. Well what if i told you that there's a mod that expands your world to be 9.22 Quintillion x 9.22 Quintillion blocks big
    with that mod you end up with 2.1 Duodecillion blocks gone at once

  3. Yeah but you could delete an infinite number of block but just puting a few coblestone generator in front of you and just stay clicked, it will be long but worth it

  4. i mean one click can mean a flint and steel or lever so just, get too much tnt and maybe redstone make a tube downwards and fill it tnt and make sideways several times then boom destruction

  5. If you click 'UNINSTALL MINECRAFT' …

    you delete all worlds that MC can create, in past or future. There are an estimated 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible seeds in Minecraft (c)Google, so it's also count of differend worlds.
    And every world contains around 23 quadrilion blocks). Multiply it, and THAT'S a huge number.

    But why would you do that?

  6. Uhhhh how did you get your number for the size of a minecraft world? The actual answer is a lot bigger. Minecraft x/z lengths are 60 million in Java edition. So 60 million * 60 million per y layer. There are 384 y layers meaning 60000000*60000000*384 and you get 1.3824e+18

  7. 1995 is the best year to be born as most good consoles/games were realeased in the 2000s so at that point entertainment is still quite important to you. As the economy was also decent around this era you could possibly convice your parents to buy you a gaming console anything earlier then you have a harder time adapting


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