How I Made the Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜



In this video we will be going over the inherent potential creepiness of Minecraft itself, the horror of cave sounds, and how we can use them to our advantage to make a terrifying Minecraft mod.

The files for the mod are still being reviewed by moderators on curseforge, but you can follow the mod here to see when they are approved:

And here is an alternate download link on google drive:

The mod is for Forge 1.19.3, and requires Geckolib 4.0.4 or above.


42 thoughts on “How I Made the Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod”

  1. I'm a big fan of the cave noise analogues for when you're underwater. I don't think they get as much attention as regular cave noises since they're both younger and more infrequent, but they sound absolutely chilling when you're out in open water, especially at night.

  2. I love the creative process you go through to create horror, it’s honestly refreshing. I don’t normally comment, but I wanted to applaud this.

    You were spot on with so many things I feel like.

    One thing though, is I wish there was a little more footage in the video of the finished product.

    Although, that just makes me wanna download it and try it out for myself. So maybe that was the idea.

    I would love to see more horror stuff from you, no matter what it’s from. You’re a master at it, and it’s fun to watch.

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  4. To be honest I while ago I was playing Minecraft on my creative world called the village we all wanted and then I started to feel…off so I got a bunch of dogs and called them police officers and started searching around the world and then I saw a mob…but it wasn’t any ordinary mob from Minecraft it looked like if you got a player and gave it 60 percent of a warden body and the iron golem texture and I immediately left the game but there was one villager that was just perfect that I forgot his name was Henry and at night unlike normal villagers he would go in the same night and he also loved being friends with me but ever sense I remembered him and now whenever I play Minecraft I feel like he’s watching me from all directions and even to whenever I turn up my render distance I can’t turn it up it just stays at the lowest setting and now that I am writing this I remember that one time me and my brother LITERALLY DISCOVERED HEROBRINE and then we started researching and then FUCKING GREEN STEVE came to our world but he was helping us so we helped him and long story short we finaly beat him and gave us over one hundred thousand diamonds (we didn’t have netherRight at the time) anyways I don’t like Minecraft anymore.

  5. I've played Minecraft for over 10 years. It hasn't just been the cave sounds. I remember one night, the night sky was pitch black. There were no beds, and with the entire world being pitch black, it unsettled me more than ever. Minecraft at times is most definitely a horror game. Especially in the old days. It's a shame that Minecraft has become something more known by children. Good work on setting the not so safe atmosphere of the game that is darkness.

  6. The moment I actually heard the submerged castle music after not knowing how long it had been going, my heart sank and I felt like I needed to hurry up and run

  7. I feel like it could really use a climbing mechanic, like take the gloom hands in tears of the kingdom, f**king terrifying dont get me wrong, but you can just climb a tree and youre fine. If it can climb thats when you know youre dead

  8. this reminds me of a video essay I watched about the eerie sound design in the movie NOPE. Especially how they used the context of a certain sound to add horror elements

  9. make it where it will literally smash blocks down to get to you so if you box yourself in there's another mechanic after a bit where it would go silent and then a loud scream would play, and it would break the blocks around you to kill you.

  10. Great mod! I hope you will update it later. Crawl animations is from standard game as I understand but it's not that creepy. You can add ability to destroy blocks for this thing so plyers can't just block it with dirt and it also needs vertical mobility so it can get player ANYWHERE.

    By the way not knowing something scares prople so you can add ability for it to teleport sometimes when player doesn't look at it. Player would lose track of it and get scared when this guy pops from the corner in front of the player. And it is bad that it is easy to kill. It does not chase player when he leaves the cave, right? So why not make it invincible? The only way to deal with it is running

  11. I really hope that this creature will be more spider-like in the future when it crawls into 1×1 and 1×2 spaces. Make several animations for crawling, maybe make an animation as if it is crawling up to you right on the walls or ceiling. Make an additional animation during the chase phase, during which it rushes at you on four legs at high speed, and when it is close, it starts running on two limbs.


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