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How I died in Minecraft Hardcore… (FINALE)
Twitch → https://www.twitch.tv/duckioftw
Second Channel ‘Quack’ → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaMU4ZG8X-MdHEhXoEC-tlA
DuckCraft Minecraft Server IP → mc.ducc.gg
DuckCraft Store → http://store.duckcraft.io
DuckCraft Discord server → https://discord.gg/bJhwVVr
Official Partner of Skynode Server Hosting! You want to host an awesome Minecraft server with friends or maybe even a professional server? I suggest you check out Skynode → https://billing.skynode.pro/link.php?id=6
Use promotion code ‘Duckio’ at the checkout page for 25% discount to support me! (remember to remove the default promotional code).
Editing program → Adobe Premiere Pro
Recording program → Shadowplay
Minecraft Shaders I am using with Optifine:
→ Shilders Vibrunt Shaders (Hardcore Season 1)
→ Shilders Vibrunt Default Shaderpack (Hardcore Season 2)
♫ Music ♫
→ Epidemic Sound (https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/be8pae/)
Duckio mining + jazz music = Relaxing
The Streak is over 1-1
What is the name of this snapshot
Make another season
i wan’t a new hardcore series
Why now
Pls make season 2 with the same world
Plz restart the series I loved it and it’s over already
Plot twist his he on a backup and trolling us
I just watched the new world premiere like a week ago :/
Please duckio try RLcraft please it's a great mod with many adventures.please play that
seed: -44603827774094687
i want you to focus more on making huge mines, builds, machines, perimeters etc
“I want to make the biggest potato farm ever”
Technoblade wants to know your location.
I'm sorry
rip. new season?
why yoou don't continue this world in normal mode?
ps: you can spawn whit comand
Rip our hero😥😥😥😥😥
He had already equipped the sheild, but he decided to unequip the sheild in panic. If he had kept holding, we would have another episode lol
Duckio: Died
Wallibear: That brother goooone
Please duckio start a series of bieom o plenty survival play please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
I think u may have second chance in this hardcore world.
When is this legend gona hit 1 million subscribers
That's is so sad
I miss the IO games ;n; please bring them back I remember watching you everyday.