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Mr. Bub
Kristján Orri
This mod is VERY experimental, please create a new world to play or make a backup of the world you’re using it on. Download here for MC version 1.20.1:
Geckolib is required for this mod to work. Download here:
The mod is still being reviewed on curseforge.
To try everything Brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days, visit https://brilliant.org/Gargin/ you’ll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription!
for anyone wondering, the mod is on curseforge finally and its a forge mod on Minecraft 1.20.1
minecraft on its own could be a backrooms level
Hey Gargin! Very cool mod but does it work in multiplayer?
My idea is that you should also noclip while you are gonig through a door, or sometimes when you enter a netherportal.
just get mcreator it codes it for you XD
ur a few months late. backrooms is dead
Seriously? most of the cool mods are in 1.18, i wonder if someone will backport it eventually..
When the TinHead starts the flank behaviour, I'd suggest cutting its sounds cause I found that you could almost track it by listening out for the constant audio when its chasing you; and the whole purpose of the Flank behaviour was for it to be a sudden reaction thing for the player, so if you cut the sound the TinHead which might make the player stop or slowdown to see if it's still chasing you cause with a few popular horror mods when the sound stops the actual Entity stops(correct me if I'm wrong tho)
But other than that, yeah, this is suuuuper unnerving, and I found my eyes nearly always darting to the left and right or at corners to try and see
You cheated lvl would be cool so when you go into creative you would get teleported to it, wich would by itself prevent player from cheating the backrooms
To state, I know you may not see this, but for a suggestion, as someone who is a psychology student, a horror idea that may really mess with someone is after they escape the backrooms, have a stalk only and single Tinhead appear and peak through things like their windows. This is sure to produce a tad of glutamate to force some adrenaline into the player and give them a wonderful state of paranoia afterwards.
I have some suggestions:
– Rare/occasional lights flickering(that also makes flickering noises)
– When Tenhead teleports during chase, it's moving noise will fade away(not cut off completely). Also after teleporting the moving noise won't be emitted until the player sees it or it moves close to them, this is so i guess people wont immediately know where Tenhead is when he relocates.
– Do something about unrendered chunks being replaced with void, maybe by having a "fog" or a blur covering them up and having that coverage colored so that it blends into the backrooms
I mean this critique in good faith, and I hope you take my suggestions into consideration moving forward.
What I've seen in this video feels like a bun with all the cheese and toppings and condiments and such, but lacking any meat. This could be a really cool dimension mod, but it feels like the "horror mod" mindset has sort of sapped everything interesting out of it. You could do a lot of cool stuff with the various levels and entities from the wiki canon, you could have new resources/blocks, loot, very rare structures and other such things that give the player an actual reason to seek out the Backrooms and brave the dangers within.
Speaking of which, I think the worst choice made in the creation of this mod was making the only monster the player ever encounters yet another generic cave dweller reskin with a slightly changed AI. What's the point of downloading the mod if it's just the exact same experience as any of the other 500 dweller mods uploaded per week, just in a different environment? I understand that you were trying to emulate the bacteria monster from Kane Pixels' Backrooms series, but the reason that worked as well as it did was because it was a fresh concept at the time. To my knowledge, nobody else had done a monster like that in recent memory, so it had the element of surprise on the audience. Today, that monster design has been repackaged and reskinned and dragged through the dirt so many times that nobody takes it seriously anymore. As previously stated, there are hundreds of other monsters up on curseforge that look nearly identical to little Tinhead here; really, you're just throwing another stone on the pile.
There's a lot of potential here, and I appreciate that a lot of effort went into creating this mod, but I think there are a lot of things holding it back from reaching its full potential. Here's what I would recommend be changed:
1. Redesign Tinhead from the ground up or scrap it entirely. We really don't need another spindly cave dweller clone on the pile.
2. Give players an actual reason to seek out the Backrooms. Right now it seems like more of a novelty than anything else, something you'll play once and then delete immediately after. Give them something to do that would entice people to go back and the experience would be a lot more enjoyable.
3. Make the environment a bit more interesting. I'm not asking it to be jam-packed with stuff, since that would ruin the liminal vibe entirely, but some more unique entity encounters, sparse plant life, small, rare structures, and some visual differences between the biomes would, I think, greatly improve the atmosphere of the space.
I wish you the best of luck on this project and your future projects.
Can we all agree that the guy who originally made the backrooms description got hit with inspiration like a fucking bolt of lightning
You can just replace the overworld?
And just make a linear fake overworld map for the noclip thing, like the overworld scene would be just always same, maybe take place in some pregenerated house or smth
You know it's scary when you're not even playing it and you still get jumps and chills
The stalking mechanic is SO GOOD! It literally feels like scripted, I love it!
I would really love to see this be built upon, I really hope you make a part 2. 🙂
I love this Mod very much and cant wait to see more added!! Some things I recomment:
Making the thing faster, updating pathfinding
More terrain generation (Stairs, weird things, enclosed rooms, stains, worn out wallpaper.)
Different versions of the backrooms (Different wallpaper, like blandness or different patterns)
Dark rooms, maybe red rooms?
I’m not afraid of being alone. I’m afraid of NOT being alone
Very cool.
7:01 Finally a genuine sounding sponsor!
can yall shut the fuck up about it spawning clones? we get it, he fucked up with the cave dweller but i feel this would be a LOT harder to clone and yet be unique like all the dweller mods without making unique code. the most they could do is change tenheads model or the block textures but it would be obvious it was a clone if they ripped the code from this.
– Make the monster stalk longer after being seen once
– Make the monster only reveal part of its body when stalking
– Make the monster more loud and make the player more stressed with its sounds like in kane's video
– Make the monster faster
– Add puddles or darker carpet that represents the moist rotten ones
– Add random objects or structures like chairs with weird proportions or other stuff inspired by kane pixel's videos
Warning: very long text, just read a few sentences if you wanna know what i yapped about without filling your attention spanless brain.
You should make a nextbot that has machine learning, the more they scare you, higher the points.
But it only gets its points once it kills, and there will be more nextbots with slightly different AI, and the points it could’ve gotten are completely reset if it’s kill is stolen by another nextbot, so the competition makes all the nextbots improve themselves specifically to scare the player while also trying to kill them.
There could also be a cooperation mode for the bots instead of competition, and it would be the same but communist.
How scared the player is could be measured from their mic, by their movements, or hard coded acts.
For example: If the nextbot is a certain distance away and visible, it increases the tension value every second. Closer the nextbot, higher the tension increase rate. If it hides after being seen (like Gargitron), It temporarily increases the tension multiplier.
If the bot just hides all the time, the longer it hides, more tension increases. But again, there’s a big risk of kill stealing.
Put like 10 of these in a map with a bunch of players and they will improve themselves just to scare the crap outta you and you can pick a few and brand them into fully functional nextbots.
Call me crazy but wouldn't it be easier and less performance heavy to put it below the map
With these trends you might should have called this video "How I Created another Backrooms In Minecraft"
how do i even install it
why is it always a google drive 😭idksomeguy we need you to port it to curseforge
gargin is like the jesus of minecraft horror
Escape the backroom Minecraft edition.
I hope you will continue to improve this mod further and add more levels into the mod. It would make one hell of a backroom mod for minecraft
The GOAT of Minecraft horror is back!!!
When you told me and showed me this mid construction I was really excited and I’m so glad I’m not disappointed. Amazing job my man
8:31 is the end of the sponsored segment
why not make the bottom texture blue
Bro everyones gonna accuse me of copying u now lol
Couldn't you put the backrooms in the void? As long as it's just below the bedrock that should stop you from dying right?
Also for the monster, I can't help but think more unnatural sounds like white noise would make it more unsettling
Get ready for the Backrooms reskins
Whats the mod called
it all comes around to the backrooms in the end