Craft 2 hay bales with the wheat,2 bone blocks with the bone meal ,place the carpet and the log,or craft a 2 hay bales,craft the log into planks and build to the top Edit:Kinda figured it out
Make a staircase by crafting the logs into planks for a crafting table, crafting bonemeal into 2 bone blocks and crafting 2 haybales, use the crafting table also as a part of the staircase, then use llama and clime on the staircase while riding the llama, then use the llama as a yoshi and jump off the llama onto the bedrock, boom ez done
He could of used thr mat
Craft the wood into planks use the planks to make a crafting table and use the hay to make a hay bale
People who kill the llama:🤢
People who sit on it and take the carpet: 😎
Don't kill the llama there's a carpet right)
He actually has seven blocks in total cus the carpet
I mean you just had to do 8 slabs..
You can take the lama carpet
You could have used the carpet
U do not need the chest u can just have the carpet on the lama
Poor llama😢🎗
Broooo. That's SOOOO obvious
Why not spare the lamma and your time and switch to gamemode c and burn ur friends stuff
Couldn't u just have taken the carpet from the llama?
Why not take off the carpet
u could have just took the carpet u monster
You can go diagonaly
u turn on creative
Or take the carpet off him
You don’t need the crafting table
You could’ve gotten the crafting table as a block to get up but oki
Why just build a crafting table
Bruh 4 planks plus 2 bone plus 2 wheat is 8
You could use the carpet instead
Idiot use the planks and som Bob blocksp
Could you not just take the carpet
Play ping-pong with the lama
Craft 2 hay bales with the wheat,2 bone blocks with the bone meal ,place the carpet and the log,or craft a 2 hay bales,craft the log into planks and build to the top
Edit:Kinda figured it out
Wood bone block
I actually got it
U can just use the carpet lol no need to kill llama
You can also get the carpet thats on the lama
U can take the carpet instead?
Can someone tell me what the background music is
You could have just separated the carpet and use it as the first block
What about llamas carpet
Carpet use the carpet
just switched to creative mode and fly out
Make hay bales and bone meal them(not sure if u can tho)
Make a staircase by crafting the logs into planks for a crafting table, crafting bonemeal into 2 bone blocks and crafting 2 haybales, use the crafting table also as a part of the staircase, then use llama and clime on the staircase while riding the llama, then use the llama as a yoshi and jump off the llama onto the bedrock, boom ez done
You could have just took the carpet and use it as a block
Instead of killing the llama you should have use the crafting table to escape