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Today we’ll discuss How A Sheep Changed 2b2t History Forever, and helped uncover a decade-old Minecraft mystery! Get Raycon Headphones and support the channel! Visit https://buyraycon.com/fitmc for up to 15% off!
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Additional Thanks:
courier6 (Information, screenshots)
IronException (Render)
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This video has nothing to do with speedrunners, 100 days, hardcore, “minecraft but” or any of those other topics.
proof that sheep are elite 💯
Bruhhhhh Mr. White
damn fit is fit
imagine pyro is watching this vid, haha.
whatb client do you use and how?
this is like a mf lost treasure movie
I disagree, randomTickSpeed ONLY influences blocks. it doesn't change how entities spawn or act in any way. and also, randomTickSpeed wasn't introduced until minecraft 1.8 in 2014, and as you said the terrain in this version was from 2013. and also, you need to be in creative mode to use a command block, otherwise nothing happens when you right click it. maybe if just one of these were true i'd be inclined to believe you, but that's not the case.
fitmc vids be like: how this birch sapling destroyed 2b2t forever
When he showed a screenshot of PyroByte's Screenshot, I noticed that the window is that of MacOS. Hmm…
I recon Itristan pyrobite all the legends watch fit make them more legendary
Hey fit, are you gonna react to the FitMC ytp that HardwareFahrrad and InfernonYTP made? I really want to see this
pyro should have hidden some kind of OnePiece hehe
It’s okay to feel that why. I felt like that sowhat at the beginning. Just use the love you have for making soft to overpower that feeling
Why is Fit better at educating me than my History teacher lol
Please interview people
he prob just used /summon
Plot twist fit me is pyro.
If I were to start on 2b2t as it currently is, with no additions to base minecraft. Would I survive if I was miraculously left alone? or would I starve before finding a patch of server that hadn't been wiped clear?
Never getting bored watching 2b2t history
Fit, you are awesome. Outstanding video as always.
Backdoor access, hacked weapons, command blocks. The man who had acquired everything in this world, the 2b2t King Pyrobyte. The final words that were said before logging out sent people to the chunks. "My stache and lifestock? If you want it, I’ll let you have it! Look for it! I left it all at that place!”. Players now, chasing their dreams, head towards the coordinates. The world now enters a Great Age of Anarchy!
Mr. Wade Nixon (dankpods) dont like the ray's con
This has also now lead to the discovery of using command blocks in survival
Hey fitmc I have not been notified of ur videos even tho I have subbed
He could've just spammed spawn eggs lol
This video makes no sense:
> Normally a command block cannot be placed or interacted with in survival
> mode but with Pyrobite's backdoor access running those commands would have been
> easy. There's no other explanation for how so many naturally spawning mobs
> could exist on a server that usually limits them
Changing tick speed does nothing to remove the limit on spawn mobs.
Hes back
2:10 the sponsor ends
Next Vid: How a anarchist changed 2b2t forever
You could have statically done that move of you climbing, I’m disappointed.
Before I write my comment, big shoutout to Raycon™ for sponsoring this comment.
i love how he makes something insanely cool sound really stupid as clickbait its a really good tactic tbh