How a Cape Made This Minecraft Player Famous

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In this video I will be discussing how Minecraft capes made a few different players well-known in the Minecraft community.

This video includes Minecraft capes such as the: Minecraft 15th anniversary cape, Minecraft Twitch Cape (or Minecraft Purple Heart Cape) and the Minecraft TikTok cape will affetc Minecraft. I will also be explaining how to get the new Minecraft capes for free easily. The new Minecraft TikTok cape and the new Minecraft Twitch Cape (or Minecraft Purple Heart Cape) will be coming to Minecraft Java soon, but are for now only currently available on Minecraft Bedrock.

0:00 Intro
0:34 Rare Capes
2:57 The People
4:43 How Famous Could You Get?
5:24 Outro


#minecraft15 #twitchcape #tiktokcape #tiktokminecraft #minecrafttwitch #capes
#hypixel #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelserver #ranks #mvp #gifting #hypixelduels #hypixelbridge #minecraft #minecraftcape #mojang #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftfree #minecon


34 thoughts on “How a Cape Made This Minecraft Player Famous”

  1. Probably the most popular person that still has a 1 of 1 cape is probably the Cheapsh0t account. lolfoxy2 lost their cape, but Cheapsh0t still does. He actually has 498 subscribers, which is not much, but it's not bad for a small Youtuber. He hasn't made a Minecraft video in a while, but he did say he still does play Minecraft, he just hasn't done anything to make a video about.

  2. I have the 2011 minecon cape on my bedrock account but I don't have Minecraft Java since I can't afford a PC…
    But when I buy my Minecraft java will my cape go to my Java account? (Since I will use the same account that I use on bedrock)

  3. my favourite cape is the vanilla cape, i’ve bought bedrock 5 times on 5 times on 5 different platforms, but i technically don’t own bedrock since they were all on console or mobile, so i didn’t get the cape.


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