GUILTY or CLUELESS? Dream admits he cheated the Minecraft Speedrun

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Dream has finally admitted to cheating in his world record speedrun for Minecraft. The problem is though, he claims that it was done without his knowledge, and was an issue with previously installed Minecraft mods on his computer. After months of denying this, do you believe Dream?

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#Hungrybox #Dream #Minecraft #DreamCheated #Speedrun


45 thoughts on “GUILTY or CLUELESS? Dream admits he cheated the Minecraft Speedrun”

  1. I'd quite like to give him the benefit of the doubt too, but he denied showing off his mods folder and log file for the speedrun's boot. Also, the way he addressed the situation screams a pathological liar fighting for self-preservation. I honestly feel bad for him because I've also gotten myself caught in a web of lies, but when it came time to admit my lies I told the whole truth, not a half-lie.

  2. 0 chance if it was an accident that he wouldn't have realized the mod was on. "Yeah I use a mod to increase drop rates for videos for entetainment" "People claiming my speed run has higher drop chances than normal" what's the reaction? "No fuck you its normal drop rate" instead of the rational "let's just check"

  3. The thing is, if he had said this 6 months ago, I and most people would've believed him.

    Instead, he spent months not only harassing the mods, but insisting that he had no idea how to even hypothetically load a mod or datapack that would do the exact thing he's now claiming his datapack did.

    In other words, he's definitely lying. He was lying then and is lying now.

    With that said, since this video he's offered a second recent pastebin that includes a somewhat more real apology, along with self-permabanning from minecraft speedrunning.

    He's still denying knowledge of his own cheating (which is shitty), but his new pastebin finally gives a genuine apology for treating the mods and speedrunning community like dogshit, which were always a bigger deal than the cheating. I still don't like him but I'm glad he was able to give a somewhat human apology (finally) and am actually okay with moving on now.

  4. after watching Dream drag the speedrun mods through the mud and be totally fine with his fans sending them death threats for MONTHS I really can't respect the guy anymore

  5. The dude had a mod to make his recordings more interesting for practicing speedruns, but how does that better prepare you for the real thing? And if he's aware of this mod, why would he not say anything straight away and admit his fault? Really foolish…

  6. reminder to everyone his luck was not like that through out all of his runs and it seemed to increase right after he had already done a bunch of runs and then voiced his frustration with the route.

    also that his explanation about the mods folder makes no sense.

  7. I didn't even know who Dream was before all of this drama. While I appreciate people giving him the benefit of the doubt, it's pretty clear that attaining this Minecraft speedrun record was something that he knew would get him more viewers, more clicks, and more money.

    When he got caught cheating, he went on the defensive as hard as he could because he knew he was at risk of being cancelled, and potentially losing far more than he'd gained.

    When he realized he got through it all, he put out this statement. Maybe part of it was to clear his conscious by admitting the mods were active. But, in reality, it comes off as him trying to shoo the elephant in the room away forever. He probably felt uncomfortable, or annoyed, that people still whispered about him being a cheater wherever he went. And he probably really thought that people would believe this ridiculous story because he's admitting to a mistake. Of course, the mistake he's admitting to is something that reasonable people wouldn't hold against him, while the mistakes he's accused of – lying, cheating, manipulating, etc. – are FAR worse and make him seem like a terrible person.

    I don't have a platform, so I don't have to be as careful as Hbox when I say something like this, but it's extremely obvious that Dream KNOWINGLY cheated. He cheated, lied when he got caught, tried to manipulate the community, ostensibly got away with it, and then – because lying, cheating, and getting away with it wasn't good enough – concocted ANOTHER lie in an attempt to manipulate people AGAIN into thinking he's actually an honest person.

    All of this is self-serving. All of this is self-preservation. All of this is out of fear of losing what he has.

    Every moment he continues to lie makes him look worse. And at this point, even if he tweets right now that it was all a lie and he knew… Honestly, I think it's too late. And ESPECIALLY now HE thinks it's too late. He's going to cling to this lie forever.

  8. I personally don't think it matters anymore. Like, we're never gonna be able to prove either side so who cares. He's already said he only really does speedruns for the fun of it, and none of his actual content is based on speedruns, so I just don't think it matter. Both sides should get what they want. One side got a confession that he messed up, and the other should just be able to watch Dream in peace.

    tl;dr Both sides are never gonna give up, so stop fighting. It's exhausting.

  9. Juice the fuck out of this h box get as much clout as you can by using his name I’m a big fan of the jiggly way but I never knew you were such a big icon in the Minecraft industry you know, it just surprised me

  10. How in hell's name dose someone "accidently" cheat?
    Dream should be more mature and properly admit his faults.
    Cause I honestly doubt this is the ONLY thing that he's used cheating for besides speedruns.

  11. I think its important to note that dream had another rejected speedrun the day he admitted to cheating. He clearly never intended on telling us and knew all along.

  12. I find that there are Dream simps saying 'It was just a mistake, mistakes happen" I mean I understand one time but 2-3 times? With his big IQ and all that? Are you kidding me?

  13. I find that there are Dream simps saying 'It was just a mistake, mistakes happen" I mean I understand one time but 2-3 times? With his big IQ and all that? Are you kidding me?

  14. Dream stans FUCKING STAYED ATTACKING PEOPLE FOR SAYING HE CHEATED BUT NOW WHEN HE ADMITS IT THEY'RE LIKE "Oh it was a mistake stop attacking him!" Like bro that's just not cool and dream has done NOTHING about his toxic ass fanbase.

  15. I believe Dream.
    Regardless he still needs to do something about his rabid 12 year old stans who sent people death threats (and worse) over the situation (and still do).

  16. 2:17 "They know their shit."

    No, they don't. I've read their paper, and I can tell you that the only part the mod team got right was the calculation of the probability of Dream's series of runs, but that doesn't tell you much all on its own. The framework of the hypothesis test that they clearly intended to carry out is almost totally missing or wrong (no significance level, no separation of hypothesis hunting from hypothesis testing, incorrect accounting for various biases, etc) as to make their "analysis" statistical garbage. Hypothesis testing is the most subtle, error-prone part of statistical analysis, so much that even professionals get it wrong on occasion, but the mod team completely botched even the basics.

    Furthermore, if Dream purposefully put in his mod to cheat the speedrun, then part of cleanup would be to simply remove the offending mod just after its successful completion. Then upon accusation, he could just submit his (doctored) instance and challenge the mod team on how cheating was even possible. Dream is not a professional speedrunner, and as such I can see him messing up on that part, or even notice that his drop rates were off (because they were in the normal range of his usual play). Dream's behavior is consistent with someone who thought he was unjustly accused, but now has to eat an old, tough crow when he figured out he was wrong.

    So, I say that Dream was clueless, because only someone who was clueless could have been caught by the equally clueless mods. I mean, he could have been purposefully cheating too, but right now I have no need for that hypothesis. At this point, only a full confession on Dream's part will prove willful cheating.

    But you're right that Dream should not have dug in and instead been transparent. Then it would have been exposed as a dumb mistake early on, and he would have fared much better.

  17. I honestly I don't care if dream cheated. I enjoy his content and I wish the best to him. For some reason since he's such a popular icon people give him more shit for POSSIBLY intentionally cheating which I find to be very retarted. There have been countless times where a speedrunner UNDOUBTABLY intentionally has cheated YET they don't get the same amount of backlash because they have a SIGNIFICANTLY less amount of followers. If he didn't intentionally cheat then ok, he made a pretty big mistake and that was very irresponsible of him, BUT he should still be forgiven. Humans make mistakes, but people are acting like Dream is some sort of robot only made to entertain us through B L O C K game and to speedrun said B L O C K game. Spoiler, that's not the case. Dream like the rest of us, is made of flesh and blood, he is human and is therefore expected to make mistakes, even big ones. And if Dream did intentionally cheat, then I do agree with SOME of the backlash he's been receiving but I'm still (just like most people giving him backlash on T W O T E R) going to watch his content on YT because there is no denying that he is one of the best entertainers rn and that his content his addicting, fun to watch, and is overall O B J E C T I V E L Y good.


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