Guess The Minecraft Block vs Crainer! June 23, 2024 by Slogo Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ source
Playing wrong if you ask if can be activated by Redstone then get rid of the non Redstone activated blocks Reply
Brooo, y’all need to get back with Jelly,Like Rogue town, bee town, squid city etc.Like if u agree👇 Reply
Think bro you said can it be activated from redstone how is redstone gonna activate redstone bro use ur brain Reply
Did slogo liked my comment ? 🥺🥺
Slogo you need to do a full on video on these
Crainer said yes
This man is the reason I baught minecraft
Soccer win on Jelly Channel and he's playing for a war
Playing wrong if you ask if can be activated by Redstone then get rid of the non Redstone activated blocks
crainer's unintentionally called Redstone and emeralds non-valuable
Technically the target block can also move things
redstone… doesnt activate redstone
Brooo, y’all need to get back with Jelly,
Like Rogue town, bee town, squid city etc.
Like if u agree
Bro crainer thinking redstone isn't valuable when you literally can make machines
They just copied another channel with this one
Think bro you said can it be activated from redstone how is redstone gonna activate redstone bro use ur brain
The target block can move stuff if redstone block counts
“No I have the target”
“target!!!” 😂😂😂😂
Ya can't activate a redstone block
Tnt,piston,redstone,and target can move blocks💀💀
Glow stone is always on…………
Is crainer slow
Bro tnt can’t move stuff
How can a redstone block be activated by redstone?