1. Wood/(Log). 2.Whaaa???!!. Dispenser, Dropper, Or Observer. 3.Ok So Not Beacon IG Mabey Same As #2. 👆⬆️🔼⏫🆙 4. Wutt😑😐😶🫥🫥 5. Uhhh Not Naturally Spawns But Back To Number #2 6.(Last Hint)Uhhhjsnjsnsknmmmmmdu🫲😫😩😫🫱 7. Non.
I thought glazed terracotta immediately just because of the arrow block then I guessed it again on the dye hint and then I got it officially in the structure hint so lucky me
i said terracotta but i didt know buot dat
-Some kinda furnace
-Stone cutter?
-Is it a banner???
-???Confused noises???😂😅
Banner or something else
Or even glazed terra-cotta
Never mind, I don’t think it’s a matter or it could be regular terra-cotta
1. Wood/(Log).
2.Whaaa???!!. Dispenser, Dropper, Or Observer.
3.Ok So Not Beacon IG Mabey Same As #2. 👆⬆️🔼⏫🆙
4. Wutt😑😐😶🫥🫥
5. Uhhh Not Naturally Spawns But Back To Number #2
6.(Last Hint)Uhhhjsnjsnsknmmmmmdu🫲😫😩😫🫱
7. Non.
._. .-.._.
my dumbass said command block
Uh terracotta?
Glazed terracotta?
Me just realizing the crafting table doesn’t change positions 🤯
1. Wood Log
2. Quartz Pillar
3. Quartz Pillar
4. Terracotta?
5. Glazed Terracotta
6. Wtf?
Never knew that glazed terracotta can't be pulled by a sticky piston, that's so random.
Glazzed terracotta
1. Some log
2. Idk
3. Idk
4. Glazed terracotta
5. Glazed terracotta
6. Idk
Reveal: FUUUUU
I guessed normal terracotta😢
i was thinking regular terracotta bruh
They look the same, just rotated
Why did i get this one but not fucking carpet
After the first 1 i knew it was one of the damn terracottas but i wasnt bouta guess the color …
Aint no one got that right bro 💀
At the 4th hint I got it but without the name bc I didn't remember it
I thought glazed terracotta immediately just because of the arrow block then I guessed it again on the dye hint and then I got it officially in the structure hint so lucky me