Guess the Minecraft block in 60 seconds 62

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Can you guess the Minecraft block? You only have 60 seconds, so choose quickly!

#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes


22 thoughts on “Guess the Minecraft block in 60 seconds 62”

  1. 1. Wood/(Log).
    2.Whaaa???!!. Dispenser, Dropper, Or Observer.
    3.Ok So Not Beacon IG Mabey Same As #2. 👆⬆️🔼⏫🆙
    4. Wutt😑😐😶🫥🫥
    5. Uhhh Not Naturally Spawns But Back To Number #2
    6.(Last Hint)Uhhhjsnjsnsknmmmmmdu🫲😫😩😫🫱
    7. Non.

    ._. .-.._.


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