So when it's some impossible to guess thing like waxed cut iron conduit or something y'all get it but this, the easiest damn question this guy ever asked, y'all don't get it? How unintelligent are y'all in terms of Minecraft knowledge? I last played Minecraft a month ago and I know this.
I guessed logs or deepslate when he said #2, then he used logs as an example and i just went with deepslate lol. Though i didnt know you could smelt deepslate so that made me doubt myself but that was a cool thing to learn ig
Some of these videos I don't know the answer bc it has been years since I last played Minecraft ( I stopped playing Minecraft before the axolotl and gooseberry and bastion and others )
I thought deepslate since the start. Only because I accidentally broke some when making a thing underground and found out it could be a different direction.
I said log at first and I still think it’s a log I didn’t know any of these
1. Deepslate
2. Deepslate
3. Deepslate
4. Deepslate
5. Deepslate
6. Deepslate
i accidentally found out it changed direction when placed so
You dont need silk tuch to get it
Had to build with deepslate recently and instantly thought of it on the first hint, very annoying when i missplace it the wrong direction
1. Cobblestone
2. …. some ore?
3. Stone?
4. Some random ore
5. Idk
6. Stone bricks
YES!!!! I finally guessed the block!!!!!!!
1. deepslate.
dont ask me how i knew for some reason i cant guess the easy ones but i can guess these
How in the world did I guess that on the third second or third question.
Def deepslate
Aren't there like multiple blocks that apply to all of these?
So when it's some impossible to guess thing like waxed cut iron conduit or something y'all get it but this, the easiest damn question this guy ever asked, y'all don't get it? How unintelligent are y'all in terms of Minecraft knowledge? I last played Minecraft a month ago and I know this.
1 deepslate
2 deepslate
3 ????
4 deepslate
5 deepslate
I thought it was stone brick stairs
Am I the only one who guessed it on the 3rd hint?
1 huh
2 huh
3 huh
4 huh
5 huh
6 huh
7 oh ok
i kept thinkung it was basalt
never knew deepslate cpuld be place orientated
My dumbass realy said raw gold
1 – log?
2 (locks in) – DEEPSLATE
I feel like I'm the only one who knew that deepslate's orientation can be changed
knew it from hint one
1. Cyan glazed terracotta
2. Deepslate
3. Deepslate
4. Deepslate
5. Deepslate
6. Deepslate
1. Target block
2. Leaf
3. Dries kelp?
4. Let's stick with dried kelp
5. Ummm maybe its still dried kelp
6. Silverfish can infest blocks?!!??! Well let keep dried kelp
Ye I think I lost whjdjfiycuaoJzgzllHidkgjetfswtfbrownjfksksjjjsjwjdkfkskskekfkgkgjsllwlalalNcnvjvkowpqpeorkmcmskJYSFDDLDLSDDDD
1: Obsidian or Deepslate
2: Deepslate
3: Deepslate
4: Deepslate
5: Deepslate
6: Deepslate
1. Right that really narrows it
2. Uh… What?
3. Oh, Deepslate,
4. Deepslate.
5. Deepslate.
6. Deepslate
Answer revealed aaayyyyeeee
I guessed logs or deepslate when he said #2, then he used logs as an example and i just went with deepslate lol. Though i didnt know you could smelt deepslate so that made me doubt myself but that was a cool thing to learn ig
Some of these videos I don't know the answer bc it has been years since I last played Minecraft ( I stopped playing Minecraft before the axolotl and gooseberry and bastion and others )
1: Stairs
2: no clue
3: Is it one of the stones?
4: Deepslate
5: Yep, Deepslate
6: it’s Deepslate
Dude i had no idea og what it was until he said the block was qnd i hurriedly said deepslate… That last hint clutched for me
I guess pink glazed terracotta at first
Hahaa, I knew from the 2nd one
Well I didn’t even knew this bloc existed in minecraft
1. hay bale
3. ya, deepslate
4. 100% deepslate
5. no way its not deepslate
6. deepslate 100%
i thought it was amethyst
let's gooo first one where i was confident all the way in my answers and got it correct
Black stone?
Deep slate?
Deep slate!
Uh… Chiseled bookshelf?
Deep slate?
when i first time find out that the block was deepslate my thoughts were: WTF is he talking about is he okay?! omg i should ask him if he needs help…
1- deepslate?
2- sure man deepslate
3- confrom deepslate
4- answer deepslate locked
5- ….
6- ….
1. Basalt
2. Deepslate 😎
How did no one realize that was deapslate 💀
I thought deepslate since the start. Only because I accidentally broke some when making a thing underground and found out it could be a different direction.
Last hint gave it away