Im back after a while 1. ? (Btw im bedrock) 2. Gold? 3. Gold ingot? 4. Powered rail? What? 5. Chest? What? time out super mario bro death music Mario reference lol
I got ot from eveything except piglins picking it up. I knew they picked up a few things cause they have stolen my otems before, but since I dont take bells to the nether, I didnt know they pick them up!
Ohhh bcuz it is made of gold
my dumbahh saying golden pressure plate
Beacon idfk
Nether Gold Ore
Lock that shit in let’s goo
Man I thought it was the skulk thing ( gives blindness) as it worked for every hint except the villager😂
i don't like the bell
Gold block
No clue
Idk, that golden weighted pressure plate?
Yeah it moves in place
I got bell for the first one but I got heavily confused for some of these
That was hard I needed 3 hints
1. I don't play Java
2. No idea the Java part got me a bit confused
3. Still no clue
4. Just getting more confusing
5. I failed
The bell
I said observer so confidently…😅
i got it after the first clue letsgoo
The pigling was tripping me up. I didn't know they looked at anything other than gold inhots
Honestly surprised i got it on the first hint
He didn't say "final hint" so I didn't pause and didn't get to even think 😭😭😭
I knew imedtetly it was a bell
I was saying quartz until the animation part lmaoooo
1. No idea
2. Gold item of some kind? That gives effects to certain mob- oh bell.
Bells give glowing to illagers nearby so you can find them during a raid, very useful when they somehow find themselves in a cave.
I said skulk at the end 💀
Didn’t know it gave effects, didn’t know piglins could pick it up, didn’t know you could trade for it, I was doomed 😭
About the first one: If you ring a bell, all raiders within 32 blocks radius will have 2 seconds glowing
1 bell(?)
2 bell I think
3 it seems like bell but no way right?
4 I think…
5 wait
Reveal: I'm too good at this game I have no life
This has to be the worst video to release after so many allegations that are actually true. Gives false hope to some.
You're getting tired of this, the grind is getting to you, how much money until you breakdown. And when you breakdown, you can never go back.
First is beacon???
Not a beacon?
Definitely Bell.
Im back after a while
1. ? (Btw im bedrock)
2. Gold?
3. Gold ingot?
4. Powered rail? What?
5. Chest?
What? time out
super mario bro death music
Mario reference lol
The moment he showed the villagers I realised it's bell
Guess Progression:
1. Dispenser idk?
I miss where he says the block was 3 2 1 THE BELL
Who else got the bell from the first hint?
Got it on the first hint
Bedrock players lose this one too quick unless their minecraft geeks..
Thank God I interact with weaponsmiths a lot, I know that weaponsmiths and armourers only sell 1 'block', which is the bell
Got Bell at 29 seconds
13s left oh maybe bell
Knew it on the first one lesgoo
I knew it at the first one (idk how I dont play Java)
First hint was enough, second hint did make me rethink but I stuck with the bell.
Brooo. I got it in the first hint.
its so hard
I got ot from eveything except piglins picking it up. I knew they picked up a few things cause they have stolen my otems before, but since I dont take bells to the nether, I didnt know they pick them up!
i thought redstone torch? for some reason?