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omg this is the most genius well thought out escape room of all time only 100000 iq geniuses can escape
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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well
This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023
"i have a bone to pick with"
Actually pick bone.
Best thing i ever heard
See, when I made one, it’s not like that. It’s a lot like an actual escape room, but with a death timer
Bad bone pun 10/10
"i have a bon-" 💀
That’s because if you were to get a new trapdoor in order to not soft lock you, then it might make farther puzzles easier. Also you need to have command blocks active or like half the room is broken.
“I have a boner
The first sentence he said reminds me of the song I got a bone to pick with you little human being… Check it out kind of a cool song
I swear people confuose obnoxious with hard something idiotic happens and people say that just means it's hard those same people use braindead characters and abilities and call it skill
The one where you forgot to take the trapdoor is actually better in that design idea anyways because it accounts for the trapdoor. I dont think it should softlock you though.
to quote kenadian, "conservation of resources."
just get everything you get and keep it
Makes fun of easy escape rooms
Also criticizes hard escape rooms
Ok, the water bucket one is honestly a great trick, bc no way in hell is anyone gonns try that normally
Bro you ain't sans
WEELLL hello again friend, im a skeleton returning from the dead, determined to be relevant again so im following friends from the nether to the end, and ive got A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU
“i have a bone to pick with you little human”
skill issue tbh
guys…calm down. There's a purpose he built with no roof.
That beginning segment made me loose half my remaining life expectancy
I hate fake difficulty so much
"Think smarter not harder" 😂
'Hardest Escape Room' incorrect they gave you a water bucket
I was doing that one with my friend he did I cheated
Ur just dumb for not conserving resources
There are so many wasy you can cheat the system, you can't even softlock yourself
"I have a bone to pick with-"
Proceeds to pick a bone
Bro you can just go to creative board
At the beginning I immediately thought of the Minecraft skeleton song XD
Make the escape room fully enclosed so they can't escape and use light blocks (the ones from commands, obv) to get light
Soft lock escape rooms arent good tbh
Did you have thew good idea of using f5?
any game that’s design includes failing once to know the right way is stupid in my book
Hi i am a big fan
Bruh i thought u were going to say i have a bone to pick with you little human being
Baby girl, daddys home.