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#shorts #minecraft
This #Timelapse has been created at a build contest to the topic “Christmas Bakery” on the 20th December, 2020 on our #Minecraft server #Skyroad. What you’re seeing in this video has been built by the player elmo1geck.
If you want, you can join us and participate on the build contests, which are going on every sunday at 2 PM UTC+2. Got any ideas for future build contest topics? Feel free to let us know in the comments!
Get informed about new events and contests: https://skyroad.me/ydc
Bounce Ball by Twin Musicom (http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/255/bounce-ball)
Music License: CC-BY-4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)
– ReplayMod (https://replaymod.com)
– Complementary Shaders (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders)
First!!! Omg hi!
I like it
Dang that’s super cool. Also merry Christmas everyone!
Amazing work but today I don't have much to ask but is there any different or not in vanilla minecraft block used , the 🦊 symbol is cool
Nice house bhai
Best gameplay bhai
Incrível 👍👍👍
Damn ur insane u have tons of patients lol nice tho
Super cool 👍💪
Wand? How? I don't know
This is such a unique style of building
This is a flex.
Hello from Israel
저거 만들어다
The heck?!?! That’s amazing!!!!
Join our Discord for contests & videos: https://skyroad.me/ydc
Now do this step by step
Fundy's Bakery.
U gyus are so PRO
Не крута я луче делаю до аблаков онта не может ха ха ха😂
Hi bro
Hello pro
Good pro
Wow bagus
I cant even imagine it Superb 👍👍👍👍
You are a minecraft legend
我沒在玩Minecraft 我在玩迷你世界
Fundy: the perfect place for a date with Dream
Gardaş sen Türk deilmisin la
OMG you are the best builder