Fortnite x Minecraft…

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We need to talk.

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►Outro song – Fortnite – Twist
► Ending song –

Video Uploaded by HJDoogan


39 thoughts on “Fortnite x Minecraft…”

  1. Alright. Here me out.

    Remove gold. Have NPCs trade services for the crafting materials. NPC mission and bounty rewards are crafting materials (the kind depends on who the NPC is). Have the crafting materials carry over between rounds (wouldn't drop on death anymore) and set a cap limit. Maybe have chests reward crafting materials at a very rare rate. Finally, make the primal and OG weapons spawn-rate more rare.

    In theory, this should increase player to NPC interaction, make crafting material hotspots less prevalent, and incentivizes players to craft weapons more (since makeshift weapons will be more common).

  2. If crafting is here past this season, hopefully not, but then it could be used as a way by acquiring rare crafting parts you could make vaullted weapon but not all weapons would be out of the vault? And less primal stufffffffff.


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