Quiff, can you show this seed, omg it so cracked, dude I did not know bastion spawn in the overworld, and the fact there's a portal in the temple, plus the luck, man I did not know this was even possible, please show me this cracked seed. And the fact this is not a made seed blows my mind.
Hey I remember meeting you on discord but I couldn’t really play on Minecraft because I was like 1000 blocks away and we were playing a different server that I never heard of but it was still really cool
Notice: getimagesize(): Error reading from /home/ubuntu/tipsi/public/wp-content/uploads/sites/26/2024/08/If-Minecraft-Added-The-BACKROOMS-minecraft-minecraftmemes.jpg! in /home/ubuntu/tipsi/public/wp-content/plugins/recent-posts-widget-extended/classes/class-image-resizer.php on line 111
this is 100% legit dont even cap
Quiff, can you show this seed, omg it so cracked, dude I did not know bastion spawn in the overworld, and the fact there's a portal in the temple, plus the luck, man I did not know this was even possible, please show me this cracked seed. And the fact this is not a made seed blows my mind.
Hi Quiff it is night 1:00 on Greece right now I'm bored
Imagine if you see this
I almost woke up my mum
This man is just losing all his friends trust one by one
“-Yo cracked seeds search that up” lmaoo
Face reveal face reveal face reveal
Quiff pls heart :c
I’m ur 863 like (: btw 56 min ago
I wish we got 5 blacksmiths a village
Yoooo not even Dream can beat this
no content peice of sht sam evideo again bruh
Fun fact: The wr rsg speedrun is even faster than this.
Omg quiifffff I'm your fan omggggg I love you I subscribe to you
Guys just saying with a all of it you still don’t beat a world record
The question is what is the seed number
U couldn't even get world record with best possible world y am I even subbed
Where the reaction when he finds out lmao
Quiff still can’t beat the world record even by cheating
Bro my villages don't even have blacksmiths
Wow 🙂
Can make minecrafy server for fans
Gets full netherite before getting the advancement we need to go deeper
This is my morning and regular routine for minecraft this is all normal no question's asked.
I didn’t know Quiff had friends
please keep doing this your vids are SO epic 🙂
All this proves is that his friend doesn’t watch his videos 😢
Couriway litterlaly does better on average and he had full fricken netherite, a bastion above the ground and a fortress at spawn lmao 😂
at this point if quiff actually got a wr they wouldnt accept it even if it was legit
Don’t even cap WR
He isn't cheating, he just has a good gaming chair
No introoo? HHhHhhhHhhHmMmmmMmmmMmmmmMmMmMmMmmMmMmmM
Bruh you're "so lucky"
Hey I remember meeting you on discord but I couldn’t really play on Minecraft because I was like 1000 blocks away and we were playing a different server that I never heard of but it was still really cool
MINECRAFT 😱😱 https://youtu.be/zzjGYNBe4BY
I wish that was my real Minecraft world
Quiff with 21 obsidian:yea yea lets find a lava source
Bruh u cheated and didn’t even get record
This guy dies the most cheating humanly possible and he is still over 5 mins behind wr