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fireworks are actually a feature in minecraft that has a lot of depth / customization.
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if you read this comment “letsgoooo”
To many colors wattles
frickin liar used /give dragon egg
You should do a tutorial of how to build house
Anchor,… Maybe use an Anvil
Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme Starts Playing
I accidentally lost my survival world and I have no idea how to recover it… Now I feel very demotivated because it was a two month old world with many buildings and progress… yet I was trying to progress with this guide. I was about to go to the stronghold. What should I do now? Im too demotivated to recover a lot of my progress… :^(
Make a conduit guide please
I feel like a dragon head would fit perfectly on the front of the boat! Right on the ornanental thingy
you could put a dragon head on the front as a figurehead too
wattles u could use an anvil as the anchor maybe and i think you can put a trapdoor over a daylight senser and it still work
wattles, please put a dragon head at the front of the boat, I think that would look really cool.
Idea: at the front of the boat, put the dragon head
wattles, you can make a flower farm the same way you get the mushrooms to grow the nether tree.
Wattles i think it would probably be a good idea to put a mob head at the front of the boat maybe a wither skeleton head or a dragon head. Also love the vids.
your boat is gonna sink.
Ah yes, the classic Metallica son "Fade to Blue"
How do you get pigstep?
commenting everyday until a new bedrock letsplay day 69
Will this series reach 100 episodes?
Since the Trap Door counts as an invisible blocks for lighting and mobs, cant you put a trap door on top of the sensor to level the ground??
I have been building boats and ships in Minecraft for over 5 years and somehow you do a boat better than me! Now that is impossible!
I thought you're making a firework that launches boats
lmao that's like wearing your hat and panicking because you can't find your hat
……did he ever get stanley off the beach???????
The boat needs the dragon head on the front instead of a bell.
WATTLES! Why was the dragon head not put as the figure head on the ship! Also you might use fences instead of solid logs for the steering wheel
dragon head on he front
Make the iron farm into a helicopter