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In this series, we’ll finish “Wonka-fying” the factory using the Create Mod. In this episode, we automate the collection of cocoa beans and milk as the first two ingredients for making chocolate.
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You NEED to make the boat move
mB stands for milli bucket as in one thousandth of a bucket.
i love create!
mB stands for milibucket. 1 unit is 1/1000 of a bucket
mB millibukets or micro buckets
1 mb = 1 Minecraft bucket
Mili buckets lmao
Wow. Timmy was more powerful than any of us ever knew. He really was the real Wonka.
i would love to see a whole survival series
I won't be catching the streams as prolonged minecraft tends to make me motionsick, I hope you'll show the important bits if not, the final result here <3
I'm gonna love the new series. AND… I saw you in the Dan Cin video with the HermitCraft gang dance video wearing your winter skin. Looking so cool. By the way, you got some great moves. Loved it, lol.
mb= milla bucket
mB is milibucket, so 1/1000th of a bucket
Come with me, and you’ll see, a world of osha violations…
Subby clicky dinky share. Make space for Skizz in S9? Yeah. Yeah.
Maybe you should try make everything possible on survival, like make power source. You could make underground power source, powered by "workers".
id kill for a survival create series from you
Milli buckets
mB = Millbuckets
Well the factory's size makes these contraptions look too tiny….would be great if you scale em up.
Happy new year
I love this idea and you can also make moving boats with the create minecart system in the river
I am so excited to see this
I like the idea you're doing, but I can't help but think the scale needs to be more grand.
"man i wish adult jokes were allowed"
Happy new year impulse
mb stands for millibuckets. like milliliters except because minecraft liquids used to be only measured in buckets. and like 1000ml equals 1L, 1000mb equals 1B
Its millibucket
what you can do is have one pump pumping out the chocolate down the chocolatefall, and then another pump at the end of the river picking up the chocolate. provided that both pumps are going at the same speed, the chocolate level wont change in the river but the chocolate will "move" along the river. also, using minecart contraptions you can have the boat actually move along the river
couldn't have picked a better way to finish the factory , smart idea impulse
mB might be 1000 mili buckets just like 1000 ml for 1 litre
I'm so glad the factory saga isn't over! It has so much potential, and now that Season 8 is over the factory can actually level up through the create mod!
mB = millibucket, 1/1,000th of a bucket
Suggestion for the milk farm, maybe check out Zedaph's create mod series where he makes a cow milker that also launches the cows, to give it more of that wonky Wanka vibe.
A mB is a milli bucket, equivalent to 0.001 buckets. 1000 mB = 1 bucket
I may of missed any prior announcements to this, but this came as a really welcome suprise to me. The fact you are continuing your base makes me extremely happy, although season 8 was short it was my favorite of all due to way things played out, and it just felt a lot more closer and friendlier. I learned that quite a few hermits (correct me if I'm wrong here) didn't get to do a fair-ish amount of what they planned, and it's so cool that you are willing to put in the dedication to make a series on finishing your hermit base. Thank you Impulse 💕💕
216,000mb means 216 000 millibuckets.. 1000mb is 1 bucket.
heck yeah!
A minute thirty in and I want to eat chocolate.
The factory could be controlled by a chocolate waterfall
This is brilliant thank you for letting us you tube people see it