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42 thoughts on “FIND THE 10 ERRORS”

  1. No one is talking about the wooden door at the very start
    1 wood door
    2 pressure plated iron door
    3 painting in the hallway
    4 no iron bars
    5 square end portal
    6 bigger hunger bar
    7 filled with ender pearls
    8 end portal to nether
    9 chicken spawner
    10 glowstone spawned in soul sand at the end (could be natural but idk)
    11 cracked stone bricks?
    12 redstone torch

  2. 1. The stone pressure plate
    2. Chart or painting in the wall
    3. A redstone torch
    4. "windows" don't have iron bars?
    5. The chicken spawner
    6. Borders
    7. The nether
    8. Put ender pearls in the end portal frame
    9. Large hunger bar
    10. 2 missing blocks in the nether portal

  3. Redstone torch
    Pressureplate instead of a button
    Painting on the wall
    Four extra end portal frames on the portal
    Went to the nether
    No iron bars on the widows
    Chicken spawner
    Tough bricks on the left side containing the lava

  4. Painting, redstone torch, silver fish were not spawning, corners on the end portal, no corners of the neather portal, uses ender pearls instead of eyes of ender, already a door in the iron bars, stairs are all the same, slabs at the start instead of stairs, stone pressure plate…

  5. 1. Stone Pressure Plates don't naturally spawn in Strongholds.
    2. Redstone Torches don't naturally spawn in Strongholds.
    3. The End portal doesn't spawn nor work with corners
    4. The one lava tub is made of tuff, despite not even existing when the Stronghold was introduced.
    5. The End portal leads to the Nether instead of The End.
    6. The windows are missing the Iron Bars.
    7. Paintings don't naturally spawn in Strongholds.
    8. No structure spawns chickens through a Monster Spawner.
    9. Nether portals never spawn without corners.
    10. Hunger bar is too long.
    11. Fills with Ender Pearls instead of Eyes of Ender.


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