Fight To Survive | Minecraft Server | PvP Based Survival

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Video by Rasplin –


34 thoughts on “Fight To Survive | Minecraft Server | PvP Based Survival”

  1. omg i went on there once and i couldnt find aney tres and people kept kiling me and i wwas bannd becauz i deid ande a cookie was abuwsing me and everyonfe was meen to me 0/10

  2. Epic! I’m super duper excited. I’ve always wanted to play on some sort of server that’s basically anarchy but moderated, meaning no swearing and cheating. I do have a few questions, though. First, what version is this server on? Second, how much different is it from default Minecraft? I noticed there was a safe zone in this video but that was about it. Thirdly, is the community toxic, or pretty chill? Anyway, I’m very excited to play on this server. I will check it out tomorrow!


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