According to facts presented for this case I can only come to the verdict that all of these runs could possibly be illegitimate, but I couldn't come to a conclusion with the facts presented. So I did some digging. The facts behind this case we're astounding, as many of his Worlds are suspected of being tampered with but, no evidence has been supplied for this idea. However, in his latest video he missed a crucial detail about Lan Worlds. The only way to allow cheats is by allowing the world to be accessible to other players provided they are on the same wifi. Keeping this in mind there is one frame of the video in which he did not cut. That frame leads me to deduce it was a Lan World. In the one frame at approximately 7:54 in the video, the username kabobshkarice is seen. This is irrefutable proof that he opened his world to LAN and allowed cheats. With this information I cannot come to any other conclusion that this speed runner faked his runs and passed them off as legitimate. Thus I have no other option than to contact the speed run moderators and have them take this run off of the leaderboards. The other runs will not be affected as there is no proof of them also being cheated, but from now one he will be force to live stream his speedruns for them to be passed as legitimate. Certain stricter guidelines will be put in place as well that aren't going to be made to the public. That is all.
This man literally got the best pc
I love the way he wasted a stack of ender eye to make 1 portal๐
He cheating I saw that his using command's
According to facts presented for this case I can only come to the verdict that all of these runs could possibly be illegitimate, but I couldn't come to a conclusion with the facts presented. So I did some digging. The facts behind this case we're astounding, as many of his Worlds are suspected of being tampered with but, no evidence has been supplied for this idea. However, in his latest video he missed a crucial detail about Lan Worlds. The only way to allow cheats is by allowing the world to be accessible to other players provided they are on the same wifi. Keeping this in mind there is one frame of the video in which he did not cut. That frame leads me to deduce it was a Lan World. In the one frame at approximately 7:54 in the video, the username kabobshkarice is seen. This is irrefutable proof that he opened his world to LAN and allowed cheats. With this information I cannot come to any other conclusion that this speed runner faked his runs and passed them off as legitimate. Thus I have no other option than to contact the speed run moderators and have them take this run off of the leaderboards. The other runs will not be affected as there is no proof of them also being cheated, but from now one he will be force to live stream his speedruns for them to be passed as legitimate. Certain stricter guidelines will be put in place as well that aren't going to be made to the public. That is all.
3:08 you were trying to fail but instead made yourself look like a pro lol
its fake he didnt say what persentage of subs he has at the beging
Yes agin
0:51 ohh, so you done mining.
This video should be titled.. this video will make you cry
deserve more views
Now we need finale rematch and grand finale and grand finale rematch
I like how every time he respawns he has a new item. And how he just got rid bbn of the timer
9:12 That's bad time,you can do batter than that ,that's terrible time๐๐๐
The people who disliked this are kids who don't get the joke
Yo so fake, why did you make it so obvious smh
Please say this is like dream and itโs not the finale dan
this is a real speedrun dream sucks
fake I see in the chat that your frid give you staf
corrects time 9 minutes and 26 seconds
imagine speedrun but oFf cAmErA
guys. I think this is fake…
Seems legit