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In this video, we expose YouTubers who have been making FAKE 100 Days Minecraft videos.
This involves some of the biggest Minecraft creators on the platform. It’s honestly sad to see the 100 Days trend be misused for easy channel growth.
NOTE: This video is not meant to generate toxicity, it is just to inform about fake Minecraft content being passed off as legitimate by very popular creators.
This is Fake 100 Days Minecraft YouTubers EXPOSED.
▶ Twitter – https://twitter.com/fizzybang1
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0:00 – Intro
1:00 – 1. What is 100 Days?
2:07 – 2. Exposing the Fakes
7:26 – 3. Stolen Content
8:27 – Final Thoughts
Fizzy Banger
#100Days #Minecraft
Heyo everybody! Thank you all so much for watching this video (unless you just came down to the comment section to read while watching, which is cool).
I'll update this pinned comment if I need to clarify anything further than what's already been discussed in the video.
Stay respectful, and also maybe like this video to get the algorithm on our side! 🙂
C: ew, did Luke really try to trademark something he stole from snowowl in a reddit post? gross, just gross. Although you may give him the doubt of why he tried that, I will not be so kind. Stupid actions, still deserve stupid reactions.
Also these other guys… like… at least try to pretend your doing the challenge lol
It’s been one month since my last vid I am still working on my 100 days vid
90% of youtube is fake or reactions to reactions videos. fake people being scared or using other people videos like sssniper. sad there so man greedy money pigs out there
Finally you are ending these dumb YouTubers. I hate 100 days as something videos
Sbeev is very good 100 day YouTuber!
A full 24 hour day in Minecraft is 20 minutes, meaning 100 days in Minecraft is 2000 minutes in the real world. Meaning it takes almost two days of just playing the game ALONE to gather 100 days worth of game footage. Even if you’re sleeping every night in game, that’s still about a day and a half before you can even begin coming through that footage to edit and compile a video
hindi translation channels aw hell naw
???? What if they just prerecorded the videos and released them closer together? Many youtubers prerecord videos and drop them after hitting “like” milestones. I think you make too many gross assumptions in this video without any real proof besides the fact that you “feel” like these youtubers are being disingenuous
fizzy is fake
My brother loves Ryguyrocky. His 100 day videos are unbelievably cringe and fake. He includes his friends as "hunters" and he adds twists too. It's always something like, "I SURVIVED 100 DAYS AS A SQUID I MINECRAFT!!!!" Its ao dumb, and the worst part is he knows its fake but still watches anyway!
Im not disproveing these youtubers, but there is something calles scheduling videos where you make multiple videos and set them ro go public on different dates or times. He could've just made rhe videos over 2 months or so and them posted them all at once.
I really enjoy rockets Vida not because I think
Theire real it's because I'm enjoying it
I thought it was the custom/scripted 100 days
Jerome having the most argentinian nose ever, im jealous
Why is no one talking about socksfor1 here. He is a guy of sheer dedication he has literally made 1100 days on the largest minecraft modpack
its sad, jerome used to be a good youtuber a long ass time ago when i was a kid and watched a lot of minecraft youtube
Yeah well that gives it away pretty quickly if they're uploading a 100 day challenge every 3 to 4 days.
That's not enough days in there for them to do the thing they said they did. By quite a margin, in fact.
PS: absolutely 100% all i ever want from the content i watch online- a bit of god damn authenticity. It's like… all i care about. The instant i even start suspecting that the channel im watching is trying to hoodwink or manipulate me I drop them like wet trash.
I like to watch koloni too!!
It's so weird seeing some of these YouTubers you used to watch, around 15 years ago, go down this route.
I was a big fan of JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, NoochM, etc. when they ran their Call of Duty channel, ASF, and in the beginning with their Minecraft content. Seeing the ones who are still around on YouTube go from genuine content creators who gained lots of success over the years to turning into fake content mills/factories of videos like this, as an attempt to save their declining and once relevant careers instead of doing so in a better way, is saddening. I would much prefer if they retired on top, release special big videos every few months instead, or shift their content into something else.
ZexyZek is a prime example on how to make that change. Went from a lame Minecraft tr0lling channel, to gaining popularity in other ways in Minecraft as a teenager, to declining, to changing his brand into a Skate channel, after realizing his position, and gaining loads of success and millions of subscribers from it.
as someone who’s watched Ryguyrocky’s 100 days videos, I can say
they’re not 100 days videos, they’re escape room or manhunt videos disguised as 100 days videos
4:23 Guys, it is a coincidence that when he said “Best YouTubers on the platform” that he was looking at the dream skin? If so, it’s a funny one!
4:40 respect
Yeah nothing is better than drama
Remember guys 100 days legends start on day 0 not day 1 bc if it started in day 1 they would be 99 days
(this is not canceling to any 100 day youtube videos)
I am late to the party but this falls under the same category as fake Restauration videos… no harm no faul… do you really watch for authentic content? Not the content creator themselves? Or is that just me.
To be honest I understand Ryguy's 100 days videos its because he uses mods and stuff gaining powers etc, but overall I don't care if its fake or not its entertaining to watch😄
Plus Ryguy actually sleeps in game to pass time so it will actually take a little less time, so I won't say he's not faking it because he has some videos showing he's lost the first try he tried to run from his friends, and starting over again, seeing he made no progress in just a few seconds in being captured already in the video, so he is actually honest on that, personally I believe his videos are real, but its an opinion.. NOT A FACT, Still by the end of the day, its just called entertaining us and thats all I really care about, but the stealing lines thats just out of context but overall, no one owns a specific category of videos, at the end of the day, no one cares if its real, and by the end of the day, we're still watching it sooooo yea
Ryguyrocky has a mod where a MC day is five minutes
Bro stole Frankie on Pcs logo 😂
I remember me and my friends doing 100 days and took 7 days because of it consuming our time and we have other things to do. It was genuinely fun but Time Consuming.
Do note that many hundred days tubers have scripted content, for example corinthus, who’s hundred days vids basically make up a story instead of actual proper 100 days vids, and that’s their type of video
I used to watch ryguyrocky's videos a lot but now I stopped after these 100 Days videos I think I like the old role playing better
Literally everyone
Jerome? Damn, I watched him like… 10 years ago. Considering how the rest of team crafted went, i shouldn't be too surprised.
33 hours is not that long and if you skip nights it is even shorter… Why fake 100 days it is not real days….
No offense, but all of Minecraft YouTube is a joke. All of the videos are equally meaningless cash grabs.
It's not impossible for JeromeASF to make these videos cuz he has said in the past that he does do stuff way he like playing stuff ahead a lot a lot he's mentioned it multiple times in his videos so it is possible but considering that I don't know any other instances of the YouTuber doing stuff really likes taking content I can't really say I believe in this cuz I haven't had any other instances of this YouTuber ever doing something like fakeing that I know of so you know kind of hard to believe because I don't know any other instances of that but at least he's not abusing his wife get it sky does Minecraft