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EXTREME Minecraft Weapons Give You ANXIETY… *confusion* with PrestonPlayz 👊
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Kwebbelkop – Get Shot = Get Tattoo (GTA 5 Challenge)
Crainer – GRAVITY FLIP In Among Us! (Mod)
Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
Click here for a free trial! 🡆 http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR
Slime has more than one life
Play roblox
Can I have a shout-out please
no wethefr
Niiiicee i love your vids mr preston
I’m 2 seconds in the vid and already had two seizures also I have had dead eyes and ears I friking hate dis channel
Naw I didn’t get featured even though I commented after 10 minutes
Your defiantly talking about a difrent type of anxiety because anxiety is something people struggle with not something people worry about on minecraft
Hey when you will start the survival series
Hi preston im a huge fan of youuuu♡♡
actualy a skeleton turned into an enderman is skeleman
When Preston said if you think skeletons are the most anoying mobs please press that red subscribe button i wanted to prees it but i dont have red i have grey😭😭
U must be the most modded Minecraft player I have ever seen in my entire life
Shout out idol. Playing minecraft is my hobby im 7years old.
Hi Preston
Skeletons are annoying… But creepers that is hidden in a mine and kills u when u have full diamond
Noob1234 is a kid
with notifications
I allredy have angziety
i am 4 years old but i can play
Me: *sees 31k likes on this video*
Also me: so we will have 31k anxiety next time?
1:02 I have never heard Preston laugh like that and the fact that he laugh like that’s I made me happy so thanks Preston for always making my day brighter and happier 😄😃😁😊
Preston wakes up in the morning with arrows in his eyes and armpits.