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Recently, I’ve come across evidence that some minecraft servers such as CosmicPvP, had been deliberately rigging the odds of various functions on their server, potentially illegal behaviour…
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0:00 – Intro
0:47 – Gambling And Minecraft
3:05 – Mojang’s Failed Enforcement
4:42 – Melon SMP Data Analysis
7:49 – CosmicPvP’s Shady Slot Machine
12:13 – Illegal Deception
15:01 – Misleading Lootboxes
16:08 – Illegal?
Music Used:
1. First Blood – The Dota 2 Official Soundtrack
2. Scott Buckley – Path Through The Mountains
3. DBadge – Drop (https://youtu.be/9YaVgfE3efY&t=615)
4. Dylan Owen – Black Fingerprint
5. Scott Buckley – Machina
6. C418 – Ki
If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.
Had to bring out the high school maths for this one! Join my server: og-network.net
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/G7zq6NPZnM
Bedrock Port: 19134
Mojang: "No bad words, we'll ban you from the game if you make fun of people"
Also Mojang: "There is no exploitation of minors in Minecraft"
Someone should make a casino with loot boxes then mojang would ban these servers
big servers can host hundreds if not thousands per month for a bunch of servers that can hold a lot of players each monitization may suck but they give people the ability to play on them for free a way to otherwise how would the servers be around without the money to sustain the costs
Welp time to dunk on mojhan to slap it in there face that loot boxes work the same as gacha machines you see in irl
I love how he says “no pressure ofc” it makes me wanna make a new account and subscribe again
Crazy that ypperin still lies about bullshit even after the past 6 years 🙂
ayo dont diss my cosmicpvp i played this server from release to end and barely even spent 20k
For watching….
Ngl i hate mc corrupters
(Like mrEpic) ppl get paid (not Preston) like developers but gambling is geniuly bad and welp i get ig
One time i played a prison mining server and it had gambling but they had a mistake
They had glass in their mines
And with X-ray u could see glass
So i kinda ruined their economy(i stole 10K worth of key's(
Gambling, by many people's definition, including, in many cases, the law, is if you can make real money with it through intended means. The reason most servers aren't allowed is because, despite loot boxes being allowed, pay-to-win isn't, making most loot boxes illegal. Note that Hypixel contains lootboxes, but they're never pay-to-win so Hypixel doesnt break the TOS. (correct me if I'm wrong)
Pleasee have a look at sunny survival, its got $67 crates its crazyyy
I mean tons of these crate GUIs look like slot machines.
Careful with that paraphrasing, this is a good video but you are really putting me off by paraphrasing really important stuff when reading out spesifics, gambling is where you spend money in hopes to gain something of monitary value, not get "stuff". With that being said cosmics allowing of real money trading kinda makes them fall under that definition.
Dont get me wrong i hate the gambling stuff but please dont ruin your own credibility doing this sorta stuff, these are the sort of things they hide behind so instead of avoiding it find how they are breaking the real definition.
this is a christian minecraft server we do not accept gamba in this server
12:43 F1nn what are you doing here 😂
mojang doesn't care about it
I feel sorry for you buddy, always having to do math, love the videos, keep on counting for us
i do have to say, CosmicPVP has had me addicted to gambling since I was 12, I'm 20 now and down $250,000 usd to this gambling issue
I’m not surprised in the slightest
loot boxes, crates, even the little 2$ toys should be flat out illegal everywhere. I work retail and can't tell you how many times ive seen cheap "mystery item" toys get opened and tossed aside, not even stolen just looking for the one they want. If its in a small plastic bag i stop and help them feel to get the ones they want, its gambling for kids. Its disgusting and i genuinely hate selling them.
why you gotta cover the eyes man
Shit like saicopvpwas bad as a kid
Epicminer really fell off!
theres a server i found called claytonia, been running since 2012 with no world resets, found it while scrollin old survival servers on PMC.
Another day another feeling good about playing on a server without p2w
My boy Preston has fallen from grace, growing up he was one of my favourite creators. The moment it clicked in my head that he was running out of content was when he dropped the video “This is not click bait” it was a parkour vid from memory
This is why I finally quit Minecraft after playing for 10 years. It’s no fun and it’s literally addicting
Try to report it to the EU. The EU doesnt really like this stuff.
Wait until this guy founds out pet simulator
Some of your math is a tiny bit skewed. For example, you should have calculated the probability of getting 2 crate keys with 3,500 or less loot boxes. That said, the difference here is pretty microscopic, so this wouldn't have affected your main point. I suppose you probably wanted to keep things simpler for the YouTube audience, too, so you're probably more right than me…
all polish popular servers have gambling
Calling this gambling is honestly disgraceful. I am a gambling addict and always have been from a young age and I played cosmicsky. Never once did I buy slot tickets or loot crates, instead I blew thousands on online casinos.
Tbf noone bought slots in prisons. They had things in the game called vaults that gave you stacks of slots per run
The rules about Requiring to list the drops and drop chances of items is actually a law in the EU
bro why cosmic pvp on ur focus still, u see tator stream but dont know pvp made the least
Now is time to Exposing Roblox ILLEGAL Game Gambling Operations… (PetSim99 by BigGames)
I would also like to point out some points about the psychology of the main age demographic (12-18 year olds). Many psychological studies have demonstrated that teenagers are risk averse. Teenagers are more likely to participate in risk based activities simply BECAUSE there is risk, and even more so when the ODDS of an outcome ARE UNCLEAR. In other words, teenagers seek ambiguity in their decision making to learn about the world more. Not only this, but in the brain the "reward" pathway develops much faster than the decision making and assessment regions (the prefrontal cortex) which doesn't finish developing until the age of 25. Furthermore, the effects of your peers are large. Some studies found the attitude of your peers is one of the major reasons teenagers participate in risk behaviour. The people on these servers likely look up to the youtubers running them, or could even have parasocial relationships with them, another factor potentially encouraging participation in the gambling side of a server.
When you factor this in with gambling in video games being widely accessible in so many different game types, and also addictive, the effects are quite widespread. These servers are not only taking advantage of people who don't have the time/resources/knowledge to complete the data analysis themselves, but are also capitalising on the fact their main demographic is developmentally not at the level to make proper decisions.
Although most people understand marketing gambling to under 18 yr olds is bad, I think it's equally important to know more about WHY it's so bad. The morals of these people become more questionable when you really consider the developmental stages of the main demographic.
Just as a disclaimer, the information as i displayed in my comment are taken mainly from a university lecture, the sources listed were listed within the lecture itself.
Shut down the eyserver
At 5:35 in the video, Epic goes over some statistics about the chances of receiving a 'Silver Key', and shows what is presumably a website that calculates the percentage. In the website, it displays "Probability of exactly 2 events". In statistics there are different formulas for finding the percentage of a certain thing happening. The algorithm used in that website excludes any event quantities besides 2; (it omits 0, and 1), omitting 0 and 1 from the formula makes it seem much smaller (it's still really small, and is most likely still fraudulent ), but it's something that I saw that was incorrect, let that be intentionally or unintentional (I don't expect people to have a running knowledge of calculating statistics lol).
Sadly I gotta be that person to say it
Chance does not work with math. It's all probability you can be that guy who opens 10000 crates and still get the lowest chance reward now theoretically you should have it guaranteed after a sertian number of unbowed but that's not how chance works sadly
5:20 To be fair to them, this might not have even been their issue at all. Chance and probability are a very difficult thing to calculate.
When opening crates, you have to get closer to millions of crates to see the actual distribution… More information on this later…