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I saved the BEST secret for the end, make sure to watch so you can see the final 10! Thanks for watching Zachlings. ROAD TO 3 MILLION!!!!
You can ignite a creeper using flint & steel
9:54 the classic music 🙂
6:55 was the best hack in my opinion
Bedrock characters on the actual console blink
hey lover fella what you sever ip and port adress
bedrock or jawa
what version
i want to plays ppls anser
Day 7 of asking for a bedrock loverfella server
Hey LoverFella, at 3:14 I don’t know if you know this, but on bedrock Character Creator specifically, to it character blinks!
On bedrock they can blink and u can make ur own skin in Minecraft bd
Never gonna give you up
12 hours agoooooooooooooooooooono
Happy Valentine's LoverFella hope u have a good day
I always end up in a jungle biome
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The first one isn't even a secret why else would there be levers
1:20 again not a secret
1:34 100 million people know it it isn't much of a surprise
1:40 same thing
1:45 if someone doesn't know what that means or has never seen it pls reply bc about 50-100 million people know that
2:05 no. Although the ender dragons female the reason is because you can make custom bosses meaning making a custom boss that's green but the boss bars purple doesn't make sense
For #15 and #16 I thought everyone knows it if half the community knows it why wouldn't the other half know
2:57 it's based off of real life. And they die if they lose the stinger because the stinger has things needed to live
3:21 bedrock/pocket 1 thing that bedrock has the high ground on
3:32 how did you not know that????
4:02 no. Just because the item changes doesn't mean it's a fact. Legit like 80% the community knows it
4:39 that's because you didn't spawn them at the same time.
4:57 im literally bullying someone who's been playing more than me, is more addicted to minecraft but still knows 20% of my minecraft knowledge
5:02 skip the tutorial has been playing for less time but has more knowledge
5:27 they will still attack you. Just take them out the hopper
5:33 they will attack you even with gold if you open a chest or if you attack
6:35 the piglins turned to zombie piglin
Hollins do the same in the overworld idiot
Lover hot pick and purple. Hot pink is not just for girls xd love ssn5 played since ssn3
New all of it come on now
In bedrock edition the characters actually do blink
the one where the head is in the ship is cap
i know half of these
Some of them are Cap🧢
Ngl U kinda Look Like Shark Maybe You Are…
The tree have bee hive fact has a chance