Exposing 100 Minecraft Secrets In 24 Hours

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25 thoughts on “Exposing 100 Minecraft Secrets In 24 Hours”

  1. |⚠️WARNING⚠️|
    This comment contains slightly aggressive/mean content
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    The first one isn't even a secret why else would there be levers
    1:20 again not a secret
    1:34 100 million people know it it isn't much of a surprise
    1:40 same thing
    1:45 if someone doesn't know what that means or has never seen it pls reply bc about 50-100 million people know that
    2:05 no. Although the ender dragons female the reason is because you can make custom bosses meaning making a custom boss that's green but the boss bars purple doesn't make sense
    For #15 and #16 I thought everyone knows it if half the community knows it why wouldn't the other half know
    2:57 it's based off of real life. And they die if they lose the stinger because the stinger has things needed to live
    3:21 bedrock/pocket 1 thing that bedrock has the high ground on
    3:32 how did you not know that????
    4:02 no. Just because the item changes doesn't mean it's a fact. Legit like 80% the community knows it
    4:39 that's because you didn't spawn them at the same time.
    4:57 im literally bullying someone who's been playing more than me, is more addicted to minecraft but still knows 20% of my minecraft knowledge
    5:02 skip the tutorial has been playing for less time but has more knowledge
    5:27 they will still attack you. Just take them out the hopper
    5:33 they will attack you even with gold if you open a chest or if you attack
    6:35 the piglins turned to zombie piglin
    Hollins do the same in the overworld idiot


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