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Here is every new feature in Minecraft 1.18 Update, the Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update which introduces lush caves, dripstone caves, new mountain biomes and much more is everything new to Minecraft 1.18! 🆕
All The New Changes You Maybe Missed in 1.18 Minecraft Update! With Minecraft’s update to version 1.18 in Caves and Cliffs Part 2, there are plenty of new features and changes that Minecraft players are discussing including lush caves, the new world generation, new world and build height, mountains etc.
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My channel generally focuses on the more exciting categories of Minecraft 1.18 challenges. With these videos I want to show off cool Minecraft 1.18 challenges, explain how they work, and entertain. Hopefully you enjoy the content and maybe even take up Minecraft but challenges yourself, because it is truly a lot of fun!
okay gamers so i was kinda tired of making shorts and tiktoks so i took a little break to play and challenge some minecraft 1.18, but who knew minecraft 1.18 challenges were so addicting? so i ended up playing for 3 months instead of 1 month, and here we are lol. it was a lot of fun though, Minecraft 1.18 but mc is pretty epic. are you proud of me dream?
#MinecraftUpdate #CavesAndCliffsPart2 #Minecraft #MinecraftCaves
yo mojang where the warden at though 🙃
Time to climb fucking Mount Everest in Minecraft.
This was an excellent video! Thorough explanation, cool animations and high quality. Not to mention it was not lengthened unnecessarily just to reach the 10 minute mark. You definitely deserve more subscribers. Your formula for making videos is great, never change that! I'll do my part and subscribe now.
I'm happy we got this update but I was hoping we were gonna get the warden too
Okay I don’t complain about Mojang splitting minecraft Caves and Cliffs into 2 parts. THE SECOND ONE IS SO COOL
Hold up why is schlatt there demonstrating the disks
Shouldn’t it be tommy
I had these cave features and height change when 1.17 was around. I had it before this update on PlayStation
Where is the Allay? I thought it was gonna be added this update
Sad archeology noises
Apples❌gapples ✅
I feel like the terrain generation is a little too aggressive. I mean everything is now at very high or very low altitudes, it's hard to find nice, level stretch of land with anything interesting in it.
u missed diamonds
Where the warden at?
Hi Valik
Just bought the game for the first time. Is the update on PS4 too?
Great quality! Hope to see you at million subs soon!
yoo where is bedrock
is this the whole update, they did not added the warden or archeology or the skulk
Windswept means eroded, so there’s no vegetation on those hills
Thx kay
im here on the day this was uploaded
you forgot that there is now chunk blending.
My son and I have a house we're building does it mean we need to start a new world?
Very concise, thank you!
Bro slow down lol had to watch at .75 speed
I didnt even know it just came out, boi do i want to play it again
thank you for the tips.
it was very helpfull for stuff
This video is underrated 🖤✨
Fantastic video
Nah axolotels are not the cutest
So the new caves update will automatically be in the survival world I’ve had for awhile now? Or will I need to make a whole new world to have this update?
I'm assuming the wind swept area is an area in between to large hills, so a valley-esc thing, since those areas get a lot of wind
I think terrain should affect the biome if anything
The item frame in 1.18 have a new texture.
Wardy boi. (Warden)
I had a heart attack seeing a cheese cave for the first time in a new survival base, and I've been playing since launch 0_0
This vide is so good, I watched ads twice
Why is the bundle and the brush thing to find the things for a vase do u know if it got deleted or not
Where can you find the caves as in coordinate wise? Also I play on bedrock.
Is there no bundles
if i missed anything-
casually misses diamonds
Stale meme
Thank you for this video. Its helpful
Wow, someone who is straight to the point, no 30 minutes just faffing about taking like 5 minutes to explain one thing.
No new mobs?
Hi Valik
Hi was just wondering in the caves and Cliffs part 2 update have they increased the high limit from 256 ??